Power Up! – 1 – Dynamis


Power Up – Power


Redemption Church Plano Tx

Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano, Tx. We are glad to have you with us for our new series.


Have you ever felt drained? Not up to the task? You are not at the level needed to win.

In video game vernacular, you need a power up.

What is a power up?


Power Up – an object that adds temporary benefits or extra abilities to the player

  • Name a power up in Super Mario.  (Mushroom it makes you grow strong enough to break blocks)
  • Name the first power up in video game history.  (Research says the Pac-Man power pellet is the first power up. It gave Pac-Man temporary invincibility and the ability to eat ghosts)

Wouldn’t it be great to have a power up in your daily life?

If you need to break through a barrier, you could just eat a mushroom and go achieve what had not previously been possible.

If you need to defeat an enemy, a bad habit, or a difficult situation in life, you could just eat a power pellet and suddenly the things that were chasing you are running from you.


God’s Power Ups *power – authority – Dominion*

In this series we are going to be looking at God’s power ups. God has given us the power ups we need to break through any wall, to go to the next level, and to win any boss battle.

Over the next weeks we will be talking about the power, authority, and dominion that is available for your life.


Not a Cheat Code, But a TRUTH Code

At the start of this message, we showed you a Game Genie. Did anyone have a Game Genie?

Game Genie was first released in 1990, and it was a cartridge that you could stick your game cartridge into your gaming system. I had a “Game Genie” and it made the original Nintendo stick out of the console by several inches.

Here is how it would work… You would put the cartridge in… it wouldn’t work so you would take the cartridge out and… BLOW IN IT… then you would put in back in and it would work for some reason.

Once the game loaded you could insert cheat codes to do things otherwise impossible in the game… You could cheat and go to the last level, have invincibility, have unlimited abilities and lives.

We are not offering you a God Genie today… We are not offering you a cheat code, but a Truth Code.

We are not offering you secret powers that no person should have, we are offering you the power, authority, and dominion that God TRULY created you to have.

As a child of God, you are supposed to have Power, Authority, and Dominion.


Dynamis Power – Ability

Dynamis is the Greek word where we get the word Dynamite.

If an obstacle needs dislodging or removing, a stick of dynamite has the power and ability to make the obstacle move.

Who here needs a dynamic power up?

Jesus sits at the right hand of Dynamis power.


Matthew 26:64 (ESV) …from now on you will see the Son of Man seated at the right hand of Power (Dynamis) and coming on the clouds of heaven.”

The “right hand” means first and foremost as in a first born child would be considered “right hand.” You have heard of the term “right hand man or woman.”

Jesus tells us that His throne where he sits is Dynamis Power. I take this to mean Jesus has all Dynamis Power.

Think about it… He had the Dynamis power to…

-Walk through walls, walk on water, and ascend into heaven.

-Raise the dead, raise himself from the dead.

 -Silence demons, cast them out, restore those under demonic rule.

 -Stopped storms, vanished and reappeared on command, healed the sick.

This is just some of the Dymanis Power of Jesus Christ. His throne, his rightful ownership is Dynamis Power.

What does Jesus do with this Dynamis Power?  Does He keep it all to Himself?


Luke 24:49 (NIV) “I am going to send you what my Father has promised; but stay in the city until you have been clothed with power (Dynamis) from on high.”

Jesus does not keep this Power to Himself but offers it to us.  We are to be CLOTHED with the Power of Heaven!

How do we receive this power from Heaven? What is this promise of the Father?


Acts 1:8 (NIV) “But you will receive power (Dynamis) when the Holy Spirit comes on you; and you will be my witnesses in Jerusalem, and in all Judea and Samaria, and to the ends of the earth.”

Jesus has all Dynamis Power.

Jesus clothes you with Dynamis Power.
Jesus gives you Dynamis power through the Holy Spirit.
Jesus is the one who baptizes us with the Holy Spirit. (Luke 3:16)

Jesus gives us enough Dynamis Power to be His witness to the ends of the Earth.


The Holy Spirit is your Power Up

The Holy Spirit is more than goosebumps.
The Holy Spirit is more than a get out of hell card.
The Holy Spirit is more than a Church doctrine.

The Holy Spirit is Dynamis Power UPON YOU.
The Holy Spirit is Dynamis Power FOR YOU.
The Holy Spirit is Dynamis Power IN YOU.

Ephesians 3:16 (NIV) 16 I pray that out of his glorious riches he may strengthen you with power through his Spirit in your inner being,

Ephesians 3:20 (NIV) Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us,

I forget my keys… I forget my wallet… I forget my phone…

But I never forget my clothes and I never forget what is within me.

Everywhere you go you should be clothed with Dynamis. What flows out of you should be Power by the Spirit.


Not A Temporary Hack

Jesus did not provide you something that is temporary or something that you could lose.

In video games power ups are temporary…

-That power pellet gets shorter and shorter in those higher Pac-Man levels.

-That hammer that Jumpman uses in Donkey Kong only lasts for a few seconds.

-That Mushroom causes Mario and Luigi to Grow, but if they are touched by an enemy, the power goes away.

The Power you receive by the Spirit never goes away. It is not temporary.

Romans 11:29 (NIV) for God’s gifts and His call are irrevocable.

The enemy will throw shame and guilt at you and lie to you. The enemy will say that because you sinned, God won’t use you anymore.

That is not true!  God’s gifts and callings are irrevocable.

You don’t have power because you deserve it. You have power because God is good and full of grace.

Sometimes we fill powerful because we were in church recently… I want to tell you that you have power even you don’t feel like it.

God’s Power is not dependent on you. God’s Power works in-spite of us.


We are not talking about personality traits…


Not a Personality

It would be real easy to chalk this whole discussion up to personality traits.

Sure Chris, you are an outgoing extrovert. Of course you feel confident talking and being in front of people…

We are not talking about personality traits. We are talking about the Spirit of God.

The Spirit of God can work equally in an introverts and extroverts.
The Spirit of God can work equally in analytics and creatives.

The same Spirit that might cause an introvert to speak, might cause an extrovert to be quiet and pray privately.  Both may see a miracle because of the Power at work in them.

The same Spirit that might cause the analytical to act, might cause the creative to fast and pray. Both may see a miracle because of the Power at work in them.

1 Corinthians 4:20 (NIV) For the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk but of power.

How we talk we can chalk up to personality… but the kingdom of God is not a matter of talk and personality, but of POWER.


We are in the Kingdom of Jesus Christ, we should be experiencing POWER.
We are clothed with the Spirit, we should be experiencing POWER.


Are you Power-Less or Power-Full

I want to ask you, are you powerless or powerful?

Are you full of power or fear?
2 Timothy 1:7 (NIV) For the Spirit God gave us does not make us timid, but gives us power, love and self-discipline.

Redemption Church are we Powerless or Powerful?
Redemption Church, Plano Texas has plenty of Churches… it lacks Churches that are POWER FILLED.

That 1st Century Church in the book of Acts was filled with Dynamis.
 -People saved
 -People healed
 -People delivered


Are you experiencing the Dynamis Power of God? You can.

Maybe we need to raise our expectations of God’s Power in our lives?

Maybe we need Jesus to baptize us with the Holy Spirit?

Do you want a power up?
Let’s operate in His Power right now.