Second Helping – 1 – Seek First the Second Kingdom


Second Helping – 1 – Seek First the Second Kingdom


Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx! My name is Chris Fluitt and I am happy to welcome everyone in person and everyone online.

It is November and I can’t help but think about a holiday that comes at the end of the month. There will be lots of food.

What is your favorite? Turkey? Dressing with giblet gravy? Sweet Potato anything? Cranberry sauce still in the shape of the tin can?


Second Helping

Now who plans on going back for a second helping? That is when things get real serious, when you head back for a second helping.

There is a surprising truth in Scripture, and we are going to be talking about it all November.


God Favors the Second

Here is a quick overview of the next 3 weeks.

Nov 5 – A second Kingdom

Nov 12 – A second chance

Nov 19 – A second option

Nov 26 – A second help

Week 2 – God favors a second chance! God even promises a second birth and better life.

Week 3 – God favors a second option. If your life feels stuck you need to know that there is another door for you to walk through.

Week 4 – Sometimes we need help, and there is an opportunity to receive a second help. There is also the calling to be a second help to others.


Someone say, “God favors the second.”

Today we are talking about seeking first the second kingdom.


Seek First the Second Kingdom

No one strives to be second.

 -They are number 1!
 -They are the first team in Rangers history to win the championship.
 -There are 30 Major League Baseball teams, and none of them are trying to be number two.

We celebrate the best. We remember who comes in first. This is what we do as humans.

As Americans we feel like we are #1.
As Texans we KNOW that we are #1!

A crowd can easily be enticed to chant “We’re number one!”


The First Kingdom (Genesis 10)

This is perhaps the motivation behind the first kingdom mentioned in Scripture. The first place in your Bible that mentions the word “kingdom” is found in Genesis 10:10. It is the kingdom of a man named Nimrod.

Here is what we know about Nimrod.

  • Great grandson of Noah. (Ham -> Cush -> Nimrod)
  • Mighty Hunter. Mighty one.
  • Nimrod was #1 in the Earth.

So Nimrod is the 1st king and 1st kingdom. And what is this kingdom known for? It builds monument to itself – the tower of Babel was the #1 building. None taller. None greater.

That is the first kingdom, and every kingdom since has been just like it.

Every kingdom attempts to be #1.

  • Kingdoms will go to war in order to be #1.
  • Kingdoms strive to be #1 in money, skill, and land.

And who are the kings of these kingdoms?

  • Are the poor usually crowned king?
  • Are the poor usually elected President, Governor, or even Mayor?
  • Every king is wealthy. This is how kingdoms work.

The source of wealth of the kingdom is the people. Your taxes go straight to the kingdom, and the kingdom builds a monument to itself.

This is life in the first kingdom. No kingdom on earth has a better idea of how to operate.


But wait… there is more, because we operate as kings of our own small domains.

  • You govern yourself.
  • You govern your money, skill, and land.

Our small personal kingdoms are also modeled after that first kingdom of Nimrod.

  • We seek to be number 1. Sometimes we even tear others down so we can be better.
  • We seek the best. We want a better house than our neighbors. Better cars, jobs, physical appearance…
  • We build monuments to ourselves.
  • We are king of our own small kingdom. We do what we want. Congrats king.

But what happens to the king of the first kingdom?

  • In the end, Nimrod dies like everyone else.
  • His kingdom falls apart.
  • His monument decays.


Under the first kingdom model…

  • Every king dies.
  • Every kingdom falls.
  • Every monument decays.

In this first kingdom…
You will work yourself to death for money that is in real time becoming less valuable.
You will make all your own decisions, buy your own things, and yet still feel unsatisfied.
You will reach the end of your life and regret your own kingdom.

If only there was a second kingdom.


A Second Kingdom

When we say the word Gospel we usually think of the good news of the death, burial, resurrection, and return of Jesus Christ.

However, Jesus came with a gospel, the good news of a second Kingdom. He preached this message constantly.

Matthew 4:23 (NIV) Jesus went throughout Galilee, teaching in their synagogues, proclaiming the good news of the kingdom, and healing every disease and sickness among the people.

His parables often carried this phrase, “the Kingdom of God is like…”
He spoke of the Kingdom of Heaven.
The Sermon on the mount was 100% about the Kingdom of God. Kingdom is mentioned at least 9 times in the sermon. (Matthew 5-7)

There is a second Kingdom, and it is better than the first kingdom.


“It is the only Kingdom where you are welcomed by the King Himself.” – Marshal Blessing.

You can enter the first kingdoms of the world and be greeted with paperwork or a barb wire fence. A mayor, Governor, Congressman, or President is not present to welcome people into the United States.

No one comes into this second Kingdom, the Kingdom of God, without being greeted by the King Himself. The King left His throne and went to the furthest boundary and has opened the door for you to enter. He says, “Welcome to the Kingdom.”

There is no other Kingdom like this second Kingdom.

No one needs to beg in this Kingdom.  All are welcome at the King’s table in this Kingdom. Everyone is blessed to be a part of this Kingdom.


In the middle of the “Sermon on the Mount” Jesus said this..

Matthew 6:33 (NIV) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.


First – prōton – First in rank, before anything else is done

There are other kingdoms in the world, but we are to FIRST, before anything else is done, seek the second Kingdom.

We are born into the first kingdom… our nation, our culture, our religion, we have to choose to seek out the second kingdom. 

We must also not seek the second kingdom as an add on to our other collected Kingdoms.  His Kingdom must be FIRST.

We must not be American’s first, and Christ followers second.  We must be Christ Follower’s first.

Jesus over nationalism.
Jesus over politics.
Jesus over economics.
Jesus over religion.
Jesus over family and friends.
Jesus over everything!


God favors the second. We must seek the second Kingdom FIRST!


Seek First the Second Kingdom

Who wants to seek the 2nd Kingdom first?

God favors the 2nd! There is favor in the 2nd Kingdom!

But what does that look like in practical terms?

It looks like a change of priority. John the Baptist said it like this…

John 3:30 (NIV) He(Jesus) must become greater; I must become less.”

There can only be 1 first. For you to seek FIRST the Kingdom of God, the other kingdoms must become less so that the Kingdom of Jesus can become greater.

What I want us to do today is to allow Jesus to become greater! When we come talk to God, I want us to already decide to make His Kingdom greater.

I have 3 points and then I want us to come.

Here are three areas to seek first the second Kingdom.


Time, Talent, Treasure

What does it look like to seek first the Kingdom of God with your time? Are we doing that?


Time is limited. We are told in Scripture that life is but a vapor or a mist that is here for but a moment and then vanishes. (James 4:14) Jesus says no amount of worry or concern can add a single hour to your life. (Matthew 6:27)

Because time is so limited, it is incredibly valuable.

You can take your time to serve others, to study God’s word or another subject, to sew and invest in others, share your relationship with others.

-By being here tonight or watching or listening to this online, you are taking your time and seeking first the Kingdom.

-We have our first Tuesday Worship this week. Will you take the time to come seek the Lord?

-We have a dream team here at Redemption who serve by taking an hour or two of their precious weekend to serve us in worship. Could you serve the Kingdom of God with your time like that?

It is SO EASY to take time for the kingdom of Netflix, social media, and video games. Can you take more time to seek first the Kingdom?



You can seek first the Kingdom through your talents.

We often feel untalented. We even call ourselves untalented. THIS IS NOT TRUE.

You have a skill set given to you by God. While there may be some things you are not great at, there are some things that you are wired to excel.

Eph 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

There are GOOD WORKS that God has prepared in advance for you to do.

There are talents within you that can do great works in the Kingdom.


You are a 10 at something

What is it that you excel at? You probably have found a way to use that gift on your job.


 -Teaching kids

 -Computers, I.T.

 -Building and craftsmanship


 -Talking to people



 -Hosting parties

Take your amazing talent and seek first the Kingdom.


Time, Talent, Treasure


And you can seek first the Kingdom with your treasure.

What would it look like if we took our treasure and prioritized giving back to God. What if we budgeted a percentage of our paycheck and before we did anything else with it, we give to God first? There is a term for this.



Tithing is in the Bible. It means taking the first 10% of your increase and giving it back to God.

It is basically budgeting your money to place God and His Kingdom as the #1 priority.


Time, Talent, Treasure

Now I am not here to take up an offering or bully you to give more. BUT I am here to help you examine what Kingdom is #1 when it comes to your treasure?

What if we seek first the Kingdom with our treasure? What if instead of giving God what was left over… if there is in fact anything left over… what if instead we Gave to God first?

Jesus teaches that treasure is an important subject.

Matthew 6:21 (NIV) For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Your treasure and your heart occupy the same space.

Is your treasure and heart in the Kingdom of God?


Time, Talent, Treasure


What would it look like for you to seek first the Kingdom of God?

What if you were…

  • Happier?
  • Fulfilled? Found your purpose.
  • Making a difference with your time?
  • Less stressed?
  • Helping the lost get found?
  • Using your talents?

There is no telling how exciting and powerful it would be for you to seek first the Kingdom.

There is no telling how BLESSED you would be to seek first the Kingdom.

Matthew 6:33 (NIV) But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

When you place God’s Kingdom as the priority, everything else will be given to you.

I dare you to try that today.


Are you in this Kingdom?  No one comes into this Kingdom without meeting the King? Do you know Jesus? Have you professed your belief in Him? 


Are you seeking God’s Kingdom first?

Are there other kings you need to pull off the throne today? Do you need to pull yourself off the throne? Do you need to say what John the Baptist said, “Jesus must become greater. I must become lesser.”