Funeral – 5 Planted for Harvest


Death is sad. Jesus is the resurrection and the life, yet even he became sorrowful and wept over death. The sadness of death is something many are facing and will likely face in the future. … Read More

Easter Sunday – Living Hope


Losing Hope It is terrible to lose hope. Author Hal Lindsey is quoted as saying… Man can live about forty days without food, about three days without water, about eight minutes without air…but only for … Read More

2020 Vision – 2 Seeing the Vision


Happy New Year! We want to see you have the best year ever. 2020 Vision We don’t want this year to be like last year. DIFFERENT! We need to be different in 2020. We need … Read More

Messiah Season 4 – Jesus is God With Us


Jesus christ messiah true one

Happy Messiah Season! Let’s do more than keep the word “Christ” in Christmas. Let’s make messiah the focus of everything! Let’s sing a song… We three kings of orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar … Read More

Messiah Season 3 – Suffering Servant


messiah suffering servant isaiah 53

Welcome to the 3rd week of Messiah Season. We three kings of orient are, Bearing gifts we traverse afar Field and fountain, moor and mountain, Following yonder star. Myrrh is mine its bitter perfume, breathes … Read More

Search Engine Series # 4


Hello! Welcome to Redemption Church. If you are watching, reading or listening online, we are in the 4th week of our sermon series called “Search Engine”. This series is focused on answering the difficult to … Read More

Search Engine Series #1

info@redemption-church.comSermons, Uncategorized

Welcome to Redemption Church! We are a mighty church in Plano Texas, and we are glad to be sharing the word of God with you today! We are currently in our first week called Search … Read More

Jesus Vs Professor X


JESUS VS Welcome back to our sermon series “Jesus Vs” God will fight for you. We’ve looked at several comic book villains over the past few weeks and asked how would they stand up in … Read More