The Final Funeral


Have you ever seen this movie plot? The innocent hero breaths their last after receiving wounds from evil enemies. The enemies rejoice over the fallen hero…but little do they know that the hero they left … Read More

Funeral – 1 How to Survive Your Funeral


Funeral Bumper Vid Welcome back to Redemption Church in Plano TX! My name is Chris Fluitt. I am glad for everyone in the room and everyone connecting with us online. Dearly beloved we are here … Read More

Circle Up 4 – A surrounding circle


Hello Redemption Church! I am sure missing be in the same room with you. I hope you don’t have corona virus quarantine blues. I am praying for you every day. For you that are tuning … Read More

Spooked 2 – Fear of the Supernatural


What are YOU, the reader – or listener afraid of? What really gets on to you and bothers you? The real question needing to be asked, is – are you spooked by anything? I hope … Read More

Spooked 1 – Fear of Man


Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt and I am afraid of heights. What are you afraid of? Everyone is likely afraid of something and we are going to be … Read More

Chasing Carrots – Approval


Hello Redemption Church! Hello to everyone tuning in online. God bless you. My name is Chris Fluitt and I am glad to be sharing the Word of God with you today. Chasing Carrots We are … Read More

Chasing Carrots 2 – Money & Things


Life is full of endless lures, that lead us on in an attempt to waste our time, money, resources, and happiness. These things never satisfy us, but we tend to fall for the carrot on … Read More

Jesus Vs Venom


Venom the Symbiote of sin What a fun day to be in Plano Tx at Redemption Church. Greetings internet! My name is Chris Fluitt and I am blessed to be the lead pastor of Redemption … Read More

All Things New – 4 Spirit Infilling


Did your Grandma tell you stories about the Holy Spirit as a child? Have you wondered what all that is about? Stick with us as we look into the book of Acts, to see what … Read More

Colossians 2 – Jesus Is Supreme

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 2 – Jesus is Supreme The Church is Colossae had problems. Their founder Epaphras was taken from them. There was increased persecution. The societal culture was pulling some away from Christ. It is a … Read More