What’s Right with You – 4 – Bring Out the Best in Others



What’s Right with You – 4 – Bring Out the Best in Others



Welcome to Redemption Church of Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt!


We are in the Good News Business.


What’s right with you (Title)

Not – What’s wrong with you.


Last week we challenged you to achieve expert level success.
-Stop trying be decent at everything and become exceptional at one thing.


Today – Bring out the best in others.


I used to think leadership was all about me. -My strengths, my talents, my purpose, my success…

-As a pastor – my sermon…

I’d work tirelessly to improve myself, thinking that was the key to success.


I did improve… but was that really success?
I couldn’t help but feel I was missing something.


How many of us have felt that way?


What does that look like for you?

Focused on…
Your… career, skills, project, promotion, business, health…

We improve… but still it feels like we may be missing something.


Something we weren’t told about in college, seminary, business school…


Self-improvement is valuable, but not enough…


So what is missing?



Jesus shows us…

Think about the leadership of Jesus.


Jesus does NOT just put his talents, strengths, and gifts on showcase.


Jesus focuses on the gifts and growth of others, and puts them on display.


“I’m just trying to figure out my own life. How am I supposed to worry about others?”
Or perhaps you’ve felt inadequate… “Chris, I am not leadership material…”

As followers of Jesus, we’re all called to be leaders.

True leadership isn’t just showcasing our growing own talents – it’s about recognizing and nurturing the gifts in others.


Jesus examples:


Matthew 4:19 – “Come, follow me,” Jesus said, “and I will send you out to fish for people.”

John 1:42 – And he brought him to Jesus.

Jesus looked at him and said, “You are Simon son of John. You will be called Cephas” (which, when translated, is Peter/rock).


Jesus sees NEW & TRUE potential in others.

Not just fishermen… I see you influencing people.

That would be like Jesus telling you…

I don’t just see you in your current job… I see you in a promoted position.


Not just Simon… a new name – Peter.

That would be like Jesus telling you…
I don’t define you by what others have called you… I have a new identity for you.


Jesus sees New & True potential in us.


We should be more like Jesus.


Do we see New & True potential in others?


Followers of Jesus, we should see others differently.


A great story in the book of Acts… Barnabas


Barnabas known for…
-Loving God.
-Generous giver
-Encourager (name – son of encouragement)

Perhaps Baranas’ most important accomplishment is what happens in Acts 9…


In Acts 9… There was a murderer… did bad things… BUT THIS MURDERER had found the grace of Jesus.


The Church, the people, the leaders… did not trust this new convert because of his past.


Acts 9:26 When he came to Jerusalem, he tried to join the disciples, but they were all afraid of him, not believing that he really was a disciple. 

Acts 9:27 But Barnabas took him and brought him to the apostles.


Who was this guy Barnabas brought?


-Paul wrote 13 books in your Bible.
-Paul carried the Gospel – new nations people groups


We would have missed out… People were NOT AWARE of the NEW & TRUE potential… but Barnabas was aware.


Are we aware?


How many counted the correct amount…?
How many missed the moonwalking bear?


How can miss something so obvious?
We are distracted…


Do we see New & True potential in others?


What is it that distracts us?
What is our big dancing bear that we may not be focused on?


What is the obvious thing that we are missing?


Discipleship – helping others realize their NEW & TRUE potential.

Discipleship is a concept from Jesus.

It works in both sacred and secular contexts… so listen up.


Discipleship is our dancing bear… somehow we are missing it.


Jesus multiple times commands his followers to MAKE DISCIPLES.


Are you actively discipling someone?
Why not?

We make it too complicated… let’s uncomplicate it.



  1. Relationship
  2. Share what you have learned

-“Watch one, do one, teach one”

  1. Recognize gifting
  2. Support


School teachers…
Business owners…

Is this your dancing bear? Is this what is missing?



How can you apply this?

How can you bring out the best in others?
How can you mentor & disciple?


Or… Chris I want to be discipled.
How can I take advantage of discipleship?


Connect Groups



As you leave today, we have sign-ups for our 2025 Connect Group.

When I am only focused on MY SKILLS, MY SUCCESS, MY JOB… I am missing out.


When we invest in others…

We obey Jesus.
We touch eternity.
We leave behind a Legacy.


Imagine a community where everyone is actively seeking to bring out the best in others.


Picture yourself in the middle of that community.


Imagine what that looks like at Redemption Church…
Imagine what that looks like on your Job…
Imagine what that looks like at school…
Imagine what that looks like in your home…


Jesus wants to use you.
You have a NEW & TRUE potential.


Call to Action

  1. Sign up for Connect Groups

-Push past excuses

  1. Identify one person & make it your mission to help them discover and use one of their strengths.
  2. 2025 is coming – commit to these prayers.

-Show me God.

-Use me God.

-I trust You God.