The Promise – 1 – Priority


The Promise – 1 – Priority




  • 1st Marriage – 50%
  • 2nd Marriage – 67%
  • 3rd Marriage – 73%
    • 40% of new marriages include a partner who is remarrying.

The divorce rate is going down?

No – the marriage rate is going down.

People are giving up on marriage and raising kids.


Elevator 50% death – take the stairs.


Marriage is important.

 -personal, culture

Marriage is possible.

Marriage is worth it.



Let’s save marriages.
  -Current & Future

Good for all Relationships
The Promise

Marriage is a promise
All relationships are built on trust.

4 Promises to save your marriage.

May 12 – Priority
May 19 – Pursuit
May 26 – Partnership
June 2 – Purity



What does your priority list look like?


Spouse, kids, career, hobbies…

Phone, lifestyle, Netflix…

Friendships, Church, Work/Life balance


Everything is vying to be your priority.

You can only have 1 top priority.


All divorce = priority problem.

Who should be your priority?

Relationships need 4 things


How can you supply these 4 things?

You can’t.

God Can.  God should be your top priority.


Promise – GOD is my ONE and MY SPOUSE is my TWO


Mark 12:30 (NIV) Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’


God gets ALL…

Transference – projecting your feelings, based on past experiences, onto someone else in the present.


Relationships need 4 things


Only God can provide these… we transfer the need to others who can’t provide.




Promise – GOD is my ONE and MY SPOUSE is my TWO


Bold claim…
God as #1 means… A better you.

Loving, forgiving, disciplined, brave..

Not ego driven… selfish


Anything else above your marriage destroys it…
God as #1 saves your marriage.


Everything is vying to be your priority.


God is your 1. Spouse is your 2.

But if we aren’t careful



Promise – GOD is my ONE and MY SPOUSE is my TWO

Genesis 2 Adam had God but still needed something. We need each other.

Adam sees Eve… sees who he has been missing. Adam makes God & Eve the priority.

Genesis 2:24 That is why a man leaves his father and mother and is united to his wife, and they become one flesh.


Protect your Priorities

Children are important—Not as important as marriage.

If you want to love your kids—Invest in your marriage.


Children are a temporary assignment.

Marriage is a lifetime commitment.

What priorities are your kids seeing in your life?

Want your children to succeed in marriage? Model it.


Promise – GOD is my ONE and MY SPOUSE is my TWO


What/who is your priority?

Make a move 

Make God your ONE

 -pray & worship now. Ask “how.”

 -Make a plan. -read, pray, attend

Make your spouse TWO

-Forgive, new direction with God

-Make a plan -time, Intimacy, priority

TAKE IT SERIOUS – Come pray together