Search Engine Series # 4



Hello! Welcome to Redemption Church. If you are watching, reading or listening online, we are in the 4th week of our sermon series called “Search Engine”. This series is focused on answering the difficult to ask questions that you may have, but are too embarrassed to ask about. If you want us to answer your questions live, text our ANONYMOUS textline at (214)856-0550.

Anonymous Textline


  • @ 05:11. 1. I have heard a lot about the idea of Left Behind. Are those books true?
  • @ 08:08. 2. Is it necessary to baptize infants? My mother thinks they will go to Hell if babies die without being baptized.
  • @ 12:13. 3. Is it weird for a pastor to wear shorts? Or do many do the same thing? I really just want to know that its ok to hang out with my pastor.
  • @ 19:20. 4. Is weed wrong? By this, is it like alcohol where you can do it as long as it doesn’t cause you to stumble?
  • @ 24:45 5. Have we reached the time of 2 timothy 4:3-4?
  • @ 31:00 6. What’s baptism for the dead? Sounds spooky. (1 Cor 15:29)
  • @ 32:40 7. Why does the Bible have that bit about obeying your master as if he were God? Why didn’t Christianity speak out against racism harder, sooner?
  • @ 44:10 8. What is the purpose of prayer? Especially since God knows what we need before we ask?
  • @ 48:04 9. Is Lucifer, Satan or the king of Babylon (Isaiah 14:12)? Also what about the king of Tyre (Ezekiel 28:11-19) and the prince of Persia (Daniel 10:13)?
  • @56:42 10. How should I study my Bible? Do I just read it straight through?
  • @ 1:00:42. 11. What is the balance between being a citizen of an earthly kingdom and a heavenly kingdom?
  • 12. Is all of reality happening in God’s mind? Are we really inside God’s mind?