Search engine series # 3



Hello and welcome to Redemption Church, whether you are watching, listening, or reading online! We are in our third week of our question and answer series, called Search Engine. Many people turn to google to answer a question, but never find the answer to that question. We want to answer your questions that you have, live. Text our anonymous textline at (214)856-0550. We don’t know who you are, so feel free to ask anything without fear of reprisal or embarrassment!

Anonymous Textline


  • 1. 1 Peter 3:15. What is the reason for the hope we have?
  • 2. God divorces Israel in Jeremiah chapter 3 and later on in that same chapter he says I am still married to you. Jesus says “what GOD has joined together no man can separate. So does divorce mean the marriage is over in GOD’s eyes (Jer 3:8 & 14)
  • 3. Hey one of my random questions is what color do they believe Jesus was?
  • 4. Was Mary/Joseph/Peter/Paul etc. their real names? Like they probably didn’t have Caucasian names right? (Mary English, Maria Greek, Miryam Hebrew)
  • 5. I’m catholic and my wife is Jewish. How can I reconcile the fact that some Christian that I consider to be an evil person based on their actions will go to heaven and my wife will not?
  • 6. As Christians should we care about the environment/climate change?
  • 7. Long time skeptic, first time caller, hey if we’re called to love all God’s children why is it okay to not love Mexicans who want to come to our country?
  • 8. If my twelve year old daughter is raped and becomes pregnant, what do we do? They say that the pregnancy will be dangerous for my daughter and my grandchild. My daughter wants to abort. If she aborts, is she going to hell? If I make her abort, am I going to hell. What do we do?
  • 9. Are polyamorous relationships unscriptural?
  • 10. If the soul is what is important to God, why do Christians get so hung up on gender identities? Is my soul assigned a gender? (Matthew 19:4)
  • 11. Where does the Bible speak against homosexuality directly? (Leviticus 18 & 20, Sodom & Gemorrah (various stories of rape), Romans 1, 1 Cor 6)
  • 12. Some Pastors use the analogy of letting God drive your car with you in the driver’s seat, letting control go to Him. Others portray God as the navigator, using your free will instead of doing it for you. Thoughts?
  • 13. My parents were abusive. The Bible says that if I don’t forgive them then God won’t forgive me. Is that right? I thought God loved everyone. How can He not forgive when we are truly sorry for our sins just because we cannot forgive those who should have loved us and protected us?