

We take freedom for granted. In America, we are free to worship God, preach the gospel, and live our faith, free from persecution. Much of the world does not share that same reality. All over the world, Christians are persecuted for their faith. Jesus came to set you free. Are you free?

Welcome back to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt & I am thankful for everyone here in person & everyone worshipping with us online.

Today is a special day!

Happy 4th of July

Today is Independence Day. It is the day that commemorates America’s independence from Britain.

I would like to preach to you today about freedom.


People under the shackles of oppression long to be free.
People under the burden of control long to be free.
People under the tyranny of a majority long to be free.

The longing for freedom is a very human attribute.

Freedom is why Jesus came

If you love the idea of freedom, then you ought to love Jesus. Freedom is why Jesus came.

Jesus declared these words in Luke 4

Luke 4:18-19(NIV) “The Spirit of the Lord is on me, because he has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to proclaim freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind, to set the oppressed free…

Freedom is central to the mission of Jesus. We are going to talk about this in a moment, but first let’s talk about a problem with freedom.

Freedom Gained/Freedom Lost

If you gain your freedom, you can also lose your freedom.

July 4th, 1776, some very brave men signed a document known as the “declaration of independence.” By signing this document, they announced their independence from British rule.

They went on to form the American government by writing another document called the “constitution.” They wrote out amendments that would provide the rights of every citizen of the United States. The first 10 amendments are called the bill of rights.

These written documents gained freedom with the stroke of a pen.

…Yet if you can gain freedom with the strike of a pen, you can also lose freedom with a pen stroke.

If freedom can be gained, it can also be lost.

The price of liberty is eternal vigilance against those who would take it away. One of the founding fathers of this country, Ben Franklin said we have “a republic, if we can keep it.”

As wonderful as it is for a document to give you freedom, a document could also take your freedom away.

After signing the declaration of independence, there was a lot of fighting. Men put on uniforms; they carried guns and shot cannons to fight for the freedom of a would-be nation. I am talking about the American Revolution.

Many people gave their lives for the freedom you enjoy today, because freedom is never free. Founding father, Patrick Henry while trying to elicit support for a fledgling American revolution said in a speech before a convention, “Give me liberty of give me death.”

We honor those who fought for our freedom, but I want to remind you that if war can gain your freedom, a war can also take your freedom away. If guns, canons, fighter jets, bombs, or drones can gain your freedom, then they can also take it away.

Freedom taken for granted is soon lost…

We are nearing 250 years since that original declaration of independence. Perhaps we have begun to take our freedom for granted.

Christian, we need to be thankful for our freedom to worship God. We need to remember what a privilege it is and how many do not have that right.

Christian, we need to realize that freedom can be gained, and also lost.

Christian, I do think you should actively vote in our elections. I think you should consider running for office.

Christian, I do think you should be active in your community and culture. You should use your free voice to promote Godliness in a world that is quickly forgetting.

Freedom Gained/Freedom Lost

I love being an American. I thank God for this country. I feel hopeful when I think about this great land… but we must remember it could be lost one day.  Freedom gained can become freedom lost.

If only there was a freedom that could be gained and never lost.

If only someone could go to war for us, win our freedom, and then the freedom never be lost.

If only someone could secure our freedom in a written document that was eternal and could never be changed or destroyed.

If only someone could purchase our freedom and allow us to live in that freedom forever.

Jesus gained a freedom that cannot be lost

Hebrews 9:12(NIV)He did not enter by means of the blood of goats and calves; but he entered the Most Holy Place once for all by his own blood, thus obtaining eternal redemption.

Jesus gained a freedom ONCE and FOR ALL by His own blood. He obtained an ETERNAL REDEMPTION.

No one can write an amendment to remove your freedom in Christ.
No one can pull a weapon to steal this freedom we can have in Christ.
He cannot be voted out of office… He is King of Kings and Lord of Lords forever.

Jesus gives a superior freedom!

Freedom is why Jesus came

I want to remind you that freedom is why Jesus came to earth.

-Our God is the original emancipator. He rescued slaves from Egypt and brought them into a free land.
-That same deliverer came to a hill called calvary and won a war that can never be undone.
-Jesus Christ has a WORD that is eternal, it will never pass away, and is unchanged.
-He has purchased your freedom, and you can live in that freedom today.

Freedom is still the mission of Jesus

His mission has not changed. He wants you to be free today.

Are you free?  Are you walking in that freedom?

This is more than a political slogan that really does not do anything but make you feel good… THIS IS REALITY! He wants you to live free now and forever.

Galatians 5:1 It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery.

He set you free so that you could live free

Set Free | Live Free

Live free from sickness.
Live free from depression.
Live free from regret.
Live free from addiction.
Live free from hatred.

You have been set free. So, live freely.
Worship freely.
Praise God freely.
Approach God freely.
Ask Him for anything freely.
Celebrate your freedom in Jesus today!