Killers 2 – Killer Clowns

Pastor Chris FluittOctober, Sermons

Killers 2 – Killer Clowns Foolishness Kills     Foolishness Kills. A Killer is any person or thing that takes life. Jesus warns us of a thief who has come to do just that. (John … Read More

Limitless 3 – Limitless Wisdom

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

God has Limitless Wisdom. The world is looking for a lot of things. The world looks for peace, cleaner air & water, stronger economies, innovation, success, power, a better life… on and on the list … Read More

Leader Slip 3 – Wise Counsel

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Everyone is called to be a leader, a positive influence in the world. To answer that call is Leadership. To not answer the call is Leader Slip. Rehoboam should have been a great leader for … Read More