Easter – The Messy Middle

info@redemption-church.comEaster, Sermons

The most intense part of our story, the part that maybe sometimes we don’t talk about – is the messiest part of our story. God works the most in the messy situations of life. God … Read More

Back to life – Eternal life NOW!


Jesus is the resurrection and the life! Jesus wants you to have life.. not just a slightly better life… not just a fuller life.. not just a longer life… all of this is true, but … Read More

Easter – Back to life

info@redemption-church.comEaster, Sermons

Death is a terrible thing. No-one wants to face death. Maybe you have dead things in your past, or sin in your life. However, Jesus Christ has overcome death, hell and the grave – so … Read More

Funeral – 3 Jesus Ruins Funerals


What would you do if someone walked into a funeral and told all the mourners to leave? What if the same person requested the body of the departed to be taken out of the grave? … Read More

Best Thing Ever 1 – Resurrection

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the best thing ever. A dead Jesus hanging on a cross.. They take his body and put in a grave.. In that moment it was the WORST THING EVER. … Read More