Lead like Jesus 3 – Head of a Leader


Mindset is everything. Successful leaders set their head straight before taking on a new goal, PR, or organizational project. Surgeons have to have a mindset of peace, focus, and care. Leadership takes a certain mindset; … Read More

Help 3 – The World needs our Help

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

The world needs our help!  It should not take us long to realize this. Everytime we look at the news it screams that  the world is getting worse. As we look at our social media … Read More

Super Power 4 – Teleportation

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You matter! You are important! You have Super Power! An interesting power in comic books and science fiction is the power of Teleportatation. t iis a fascinating notion. It is the theoretical transfer of matter or … Read More