Margin 4 – Moral Margin

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

We need space in our life. This space doesn’t just happen. We have to intentionally make room for our relationships, for our finances, and for our sanity. 😉 We also need a margin, a space … Read More

Margin 3 – Space for Finance

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

It’s hard to talk about money. Those little green pieces of paper carry emotion in them. They sometimes bring excitement and joy, they sometimes bring guilt and shame. When someone is talking money we almost … Read More

Margin 2 – Space for relationships

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Normal is insane! Do you know what normal is for marriage? Divorce! Normal for finance? Debt! Normal for teenagers? Rebellion. Normal for life? Stress, Struggle, unhappiness, depression… We are commanded to not live a “normal” … Read More

Margin: Room for Life

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Do you often feel stressed? What about financial tension? Do you wish you had more time for yourself and for others that are important to you? You might be thinking “but isn’t it normal for … Read More