Limitless 6: Limited Double Minded Trajectory

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

­Limitless 6: Limited Double Minded Trajectory   You ever make plans and not follow through? You aren’t alone. No judgments. Plans are important. Goals and dreams are important! They aren’t just important to you… they … Read More

Limitless 4: Limitless Riches

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

It is impossible to find money and not smile. Money is a major subject in God’s Word. The search for riches is a major factor in our culture. Jesus tells us something unsettling about the … Read More

Limitless 3 – Limitless Wisdom

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

God has Limitless Wisdom. The world is looking for a lot of things. The world looks for peace, cleaner air & water, stronger economies, innovation, success, power, a better life… on and on the list … Read More

Limitless 1 – Limitless Power

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You have limitless power! I know that sometimes we feel powerless, but the truth is that God has placed limitless power within us all. God has placed limitless possibility & potential inside of you. You … Read More