Reboot 3 – Total Transformation

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You desire a total transformation in atleast one area of life. We dream of the redecorated house, the completed college degree, or the fit and trim body. We want a total transformation, but it takes … Read More

I Quit Loving my Life – Redemption Church Plano

Marshal BlessingSermons

If you think of things you want to quit, “loving your life” probably doesn’t come to mind.  However, Jesus tells that whoever loves their life will lose it.  Jesus doesn’t want us to hate our life, but we should … Read More

Margin: Room for Life

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Do you often feel stressed? What about financial tension? Do you wish you had more time for yourself and for others that are important to you? You might be thinking “but isn’t it normal for … Read More

Extra Life

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Extra Life from Redemption Church on Vimeo.

You are Here

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

It was an extra special day at Redemption Church.  It was Moving Day!  We were moving from our current rented space to our new exciting space.  Marshal took this time to preach to us. You … Read More

Valley of Baca

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Pastor Fuller talks about the hope we need for life. Psalm 84 :5-6 “5 Blessed is the man whose strength is in You,Whose heart is set on pilgrimage.6 As they pass through the Valley of … Read More