Lead like Jesus 3 – Head of a Leader


Mindset is everything. Successful leaders set their head straight before taking on a new goal, PR, or organizational project. Surgeons have to have a mindset of peace, focus, and care. Leadership takes a certain mindset; … Read More

Leader Slip 3 – Wise Counsel

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Everyone is called to be a leader, a positive influence in the world. To answer that call is Leadership. To not answer the call is Leader Slip. Rehoboam should have been a great leader for … Read More

Leader Slip 3 Called but not Present

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

We are in the 2nd week of our Leader Slip series. Leadership is influence Everyone is called to be a leader, but many do not answer that call King Saul has some amazing stats.  Hand … Read More

Leader Slip 1 – Focus

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You are called to be a leader.  You are called to be an influencer of people.  You and everyone else is called to be a leader in at least some avenue of life. But often … Read More