Who is this 6 – Who do you say?

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

It is the final week of our Who is this series. When Jesus shows up in scripture and He is not often recognized and often people ask “Who is this?” In Matthew 16 Jesus comes … Read More

Who is this 5 – Rule Breaker?

Marshal BlessingSermons

The authorities accused Jesus of being a “rule breaker.” They were right. While Jesus perfectly fulfills God’s laws, sometimes He breaks the rules we have set up that limit God in our life. Through Christ, … Read More

Who is this 4 – that shows up unexpected

Marshal BlessingSermons

Jesus is surprising. Throughout the Bible He shows up in unexpected places doing unexpected things. That same Jesus is alive today, so we shouldn’t be surprised when He shows up in our lives. Instead, we … Read More

Who is this 3 – we looked past

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Being aware doesn’t come naturally for us does it? We work really hard to make sure our kids are aware of the dangers around them, only to turn around as parents and be unaware of … Read More

Jesus Miracles in the Gospels

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

We are in the Middle of our “Who is this?” series.  It’s been an exciting time of looking again at Jesus. Really studying… really staring at Him where in the past we may have simply … Read More

Who is this 2 – Miracle Worker

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Jesus Miracle Worker Do you recognize Jesus when you see Him? A lot of people in the Bible didn’t. When Jesus calmed the storm by saying “Peace be still”, his disciples, who knew Him so … Read More