Is Isn't 4: You is You isn't

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Life requires us to know what IS and what ISN’T. This is especially true when it comes to YOU. You need to know what YOU IS and YOU ISN’T! Or if you insist on proper … Read More

Is Isn't 3: Faith Is Faith Isn't

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Faith is Faith Isn’t. It’s important to know what is and what isn’t so that you know what you have. The Bible says faith is “assurance of what we do not see,” but is faith … Read More

Is Isn't 2: Church is Church Isn't

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

In life you must know what IS & what ISN’T We need to know what the Church IS Church ISN’T! Many people today do not like the Church, but what if what they are liking … Read More

Is Isn't 1: Jesus Is, Jesus Isn't

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Jesus is. Jesus Isn’t. In life we need to know what IS and what ISN’T. This is especially true when it comes to areas of faith. There is so much to learn about what Jesus … Read More