Search Engine Series # 2


Hello and welcome to Redemption Church! We are in the second week of our question and answer series called “search engine.” In this series we will be answering your anonymous questions live, so be sure … Read More

All Things New – 4 Spirit Infilling


Did your Grandma tell you stories about the Holy Spirit as a child? Have you wondered what all that is about? Stick with us as we look into the book of Acts, to see what … Read More

The Great Comission – The Cause

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

The Great Commission – The Cause Have you ever felt like there was something important you needed to be doing but couldn’t quite remember what it was?? Jesus has an important command for us, but … Read More

Jesus Loves Meme 3 – Yo Dawg Meme

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Yo Dawg I heard you like sermons that feature yo dawg memes! Chances are you have no clue what the Yo Dawg meme is. That is ok. No judgements here, but we would like to … Read More

Power comes through Connection

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

It is possible for your power needs to outweigh your power supply. When we attempt to draw more power than a circuit can provide we will be left powerless. In life we need to be … Read More

Unexpected 2 – Unexpected Power

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You know that part of every super hero origin story where they unexpectedly discover their power? Their is something relatable about that. It is very rewarding to see someone step into a power they never … Read More

Best Thing Ever 4 – Holy Spirit

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

God gives the Best Things Ever! The Holy Spirit is the best gift ever! The subject of the Holy Spirit is not talked about so openly throughout the body of Christ. Some believe the Spirit … Read More