Fear 5 – Fear can be deadly

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Fear brings us closer to what we are afraid of. Ultimately fear brings us closer to death. Even though we are alive on the outside, fear and anxiety can cause us to shutdown emotionally, and … Read More

Fear 4 – Fear is Frantic

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Fear is Frantic. It is chaotic, wild, disorienting, distraught, hurried.. We are never at our best when we are under the control of fear. The simplest things become impossible when Fear is calling the shots. … Read More

Fear 2 – Fear is Conditional

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Fear is conditional! That is good news.  Fear only works in the right conditions. Fear needs a dark and stormy night. Fear needs secluded woods. Fear needs a deserted house with lots of spider webs. … Read More

Fear 1 – Fear is behind you

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Fear is behind you. Just like in those scary movies, the werewolf is behind you, the psycho killer is chasing after you, the alien blob is creeping up on you. Fear positions itself behind you. … Read More

Gospel of Love 1: A Love that Motivates

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

What if we lived our relationships by the book..? We believe the answer to all relationship problems can be found in the Bible. The answer lies in the example of God’s interaction with mankind. There … Read More