Champion 6 – Killer Instinct

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

We need a ruthless determination to win. In the sports world they refer to this as a “Killer Instinct.” David had a Killer Instinct. He had a focus that would not be denied. As we … Read More

Fear 2 – Fear is Conditional

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Fear is conditional! That is good news.  Fear only works in the right conditions. Fear needs a dark and stormy night. Fear needs secluded woods. Fear needs a deserted house with lots of spider webs. … Read More

Best Thing Ever 5 – God Exists

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!  God gives the best things ever! So many things that this sermon series could go on forever… But let’s take a step back from the great gifts … Read More

Don't Forget to Remember

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Our society has days of remembrance commemorating important events, extraordinary sacrifices, admirable achievement.. but we often still forget.. Humans are Forgetful God commands us to remember. It is essential that we don’t forget. If we forget … Read More

The Marshmallow Test

Pastor Chris FluittSermons, Uncategorized

You can have one marshmallow now, or if you wait you can have two later… This is the “Marshmallow Test” and it has been used for years to evaluate children’s patience and forethought, as well … Read More

Second Hand

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Do you have a first hand experience with Jesus? John 4 (NIV) 39 Many of the Samaritans from that town believed in him because of the woman’s testimony, “He told me everything I ever did.” … Read More