Costumes 4 – Hiding Hurt

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You either have been hurt or you will be hurt. Chances are good that you were face to face with someone today, who was hurting. Hurt/Trouble is something that Jesus promised we would experience in … Read More

Costumes 3 – Financial Fakers

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Do you care what people think about you? The answer is probably yes.. and you probably care a little too much. The Bible warns us about pretending to be one thing when we are another. … Read More

Costumes 2 – Self Deception

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Ever know someone who lied so much that they started to believe their own lie? Self deception can be tricky! It is very easy to spot in others and rare to see in our selves. … Read More

Costumes 1 – Hide & Seek

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

You wear a costume on October 31st and no one thinks that is weird, but wear a costume any other day of the year and that raises some concerns. A costume is something worn to … Read More