Colossians 11 – Pray For Us

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 11 – Pray for us, Take care of us, Remember us In the Last chapter of Colossians the Apostle Paul turns to a new focus.  Paul focuses on “us.” Paul, from His jail, asks … Read More

Colossians 10 – Devoted in prayer

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 10 – Devoted to prayer Paul, from his jail cell commanded the Church in Colossae to devote to prayer. Devotion is a pretty strong word. We use devotion to describe the unwavering bond of … Read More

Colossians 9 – The Message

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 9 – The Message of Christ “Let the Message of Christ dwell among you richly…” We need that message dwelling in us everyday. We need the message of Christ to be in everything we … Read More

Colossians 8 – Jesus Life Glorious Life

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 8 – Jesus Life Glorious Life Since then, you have been raised with Christ… set your heart, your mind, and your life on things above. This life that has been raised with Christ is … Read More

Colossians 7 – Head Connection

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 7 – Head Connection, Look above There are some problems in the Colossian church. Paul gives us many clues about these problem in Colossians 2:16-23. It is a great study in how to handle … Read More

Colossians 6 – Jesus Is The Point

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

 Colossians 6 – Jesus is the Point Have you ever tried to communicate an idea only to realize that the listener had missed the point? Happens all the time right? It even happens in Scripture … Read More

Colossians 4 – Continue In Christ

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Paul commands the Church in Colossae to continue in Christ in the same way the received Him. Remember that passion you felt when you received Jesus as Lord? Are you continuing in that passion? Remember … Read More

Colossians 3 – Present In Prayer

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 3 – Present in Spirit The Apostle Paul was locked up in a Roman prison, when in his letter to Colossae he declared something amazing. Paul said in Colossians 2:1 that he was “present” … Read More

Colossians 2 – Jesus Is Supreme

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Colossians 2 – Jesus is Supreme The Church is Colossae had problems. Their founder Epaphras was taken from them. There was increased persecution. The societal culture was pulling some away from Christ. It is a … Read More