Best Thing Ever 6 – Chaos and Death

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

When you think about the best things ever chaos and death probably don’t make the list. (If they do please contact us; we probably need to counsel you.)  Chaos and death are frightening and destructive, … Read More

Best Thing Ever 5 – God Exists

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Every good and perfect gift comes from God!  God gives the best things ever! So many things that this sermon series could go on forever… But let’s take a step back from the great gifts … Read More

Best Thing Ever 4 – Holy Spirit

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

God gives the Best Things Ever! The Holy Spirit is the best gift ever! The subject of the Holy Spirit is not talked about so openly throughout the body of Christ. Some believe the Spirit … Read More

Best Thing Ever 3 – SEX

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

WOAH! Are you series!?  Are they really going to talk about Sex in Church!? Absolutely.  The Bible has plenty to say about the subject.  We feel safe in saying… Sex is the Best Thing Ever! … Read More

Best Thing Ever 1 – Resurrection

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

The Resurrection of Jesus Christ is the best thing ever. A dead Jesus hanging on a cross.. They take his body and put in a grave.. In that moment it was the WORST THING EVER. … Read More