Without 3 – Without Knowledge, Destroyed


They say that knowledge is power, and they try to convince us that we need to fill our minds with all the knowledge that the world has to offer. Knowledge is important, but not for the same reason that the world tells us. Knowledge is important, because the bible says that without it, we are destroyed. The world says that without, we just don’t know as much as we potentially could – but the Bible says that without knowledge, we are utterly destroyed.

You are here at Redemption Church in Plano Tx. I am glad to see everyone in the room. Greetings to everyone online. We are thankful to share God’s Word today.


We are in the 3rd week of our series – Without.

In week 1 we told you – Without Jesus Nothing.  We can do nothing without Jesus.
Last week we told you – Without Faith Impossible.  It is impossible to please God without faith.

This week I want to tell you what happens when you live Without Knowledge.

Without Knowledge

Knowledge is important. It is hard to imagine someone disagreeing with the importance of knowledge.

We send our kids to early education followed by 13 years of schooling, all in an effort to give them knowledge. They spend around 7.17 hours each weekday in class for a school year that is roughly 180 days… do the math and they are 1,290 hours a year devoted to the quest of knowledge. Over 13 years that equates to 16,777 hours of schooling.  All because we know knowledge is important.

We naturally know that in order to receive a good job with a decent pay rate, you need knowledge.
Knowledge is key to a career.

We naturally know that in order to have healthy relationships like a strong marriage, raising healthy children, and fruitful friendships, it requires some knowledge.
Knowledge is key to relationships.

We naturally know that when we face difficulties, we should seek knowledge in order to address them.
Knowledge is key to problem solving.

Scripture agrees with the importance of knowledge. There is a lot of scripture about apprehending knowledge & wisdom, especially in Proverbs.

Proverbs 18:15(NIV) 15 The heart of the discerning acquires knowledge, for the ears of the wise seek it out.

Proverbs 24:5(NIV) 5 The wise prevail through great power, and those who have knowledge muster their strength.

Proverbs 8:10(NIV) Take my instruction instead of silver, and knowledge rather than choice gold,

Knowledge is valuable! It is more valuable than gold. Knowledge is a benefit to your life and scripture bears this out.  Yet scripture goes a little further and declares Without Knowledge = Destroyed.

Without Knowledge = Destroyed

I hope you wonderful people who love & honor the Word of God are already quoting my scripture text in your mind. If you are already quoting it in your mind, then gold star of knowledge for you!  If you are not quoting the scripture that is great, because I have an important scripture for you to learn and apply to your life.

There is a prophetic verse in your Bible that says these exact words. It is found in Hosea 4:6

Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…

Without Knowledge… destroyed.

When looking at job postings you will often see phrases like… knowledge of industry standards required, knowledge of related software required, knowledge and experience in the field required, a working knowledge of computers required…

Knowledge is more than just a benefit, a bonus, an additional step to prosperity. Knowledge is required! Knowledge is 100% necessary. 

Do you want to be successful…? Knowledge required.
Do you want to solve your problem…? Knowledge required.
Do you want to avoid destruction…? Knowledge required.
Do you want to be all that you can be…? Knowledge required.
Do you want to be all that God has called you to be…? Knowledge required.

Without knowledge you will not achieve.
Without knowledge you will fail.
Even more… Without knowledge you will be destroyed.

Hosea 4:6 my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge…

Hosea was a prophet in 700 B.C. Much of his prophetic ministry was warning Israel and rebuking Israel from her unfaithful ways. When they heard Hosea speak, they understood that destruction was coming.

Destruction came the next century when Israel was conquered by Babylon, the temple destroyed, and most of the people hauled away from their homes and into exile. This happened in the 600s B.C.

Destroyed By _______

If you were standing in Jerusalem during that time of destruction you would probably say… We are being destroyed Babylon’s army.  We are destroyed by our lack of military power. We are destroyed by a surprise attack. We are destroyed by economic imbalances and a divided kingdom.

But this is not what the Word of the Lord said through the prophet Hosea. The people are destroyed by a lack of knowledge.

What is destroying you today? What do you think is causing destruction?
Someone is out to get you?
Unfair system?

We often pin the blame on the wrong culprit. We misunderstand why we are facing destruction.  It reminds me of one of my favorite quotes from the highly educational film – The Jerk.

The Jerk – He Hates These Cans

Navan Johnson, the Jerk, is being hunted by an assassin, yet he never realizes it. He thinks the whole reason he is being shot at is that this man must hate cans. “He hates these cans.”  Navin begins to run and hide from the cans, instead of the assassin. 

We are more like Nevin than we should be. 

Scripture is clear that what is bringing destruction is a lack of knowledge. Like Nevin, we place the blame on the wrong thing.

Without Knowledge = Destroyed

What knowledge are you lacking today?
What is that thing you need to learn?
What is that truth that needs to be revealed?
What is that skill or trait that needs to be developed?

How do you get knowledge?

Is it available on Amazon Prime? One day shipping?

You can do anything

In 1936, during the great depression, a simple little book was published entitled “You can do anything.” Written by James T. Mangan, “you can do anything” inspired many people during a very bleak time. He gave a list of 14 things you can do to gain knowledge.

  1. Practice
  2. Ask
  3. Desire
  4. Use the knowledge you already have
  5. Walk around it
  6. Experiment
  7. Teach
  8. Read
  9. Write
  10. Listen
  11. Observe
  12. Put in order
  13. Define
  14. Reason

It is a pretty good list that, although it is in a secular book, echoes the teaching of scripture.

How do you get knowledge?

We understand we need knowledge.  We need to get knowledge.

A verse that must be preached every time we talk about knowledge is found in James 1.

James 1:5(NIV) 5 If any of you lacks wisdom, you should ask God, who gives generously to all without finding fault, and it will be given to you. 

If you lack wisdom, understanding, knowledge… you should ask God! How do we ask God?  We pray!

It says God gives wisdom “generously to all!” God will not withhold wisdom from you.

There is some knowledge that can be learned in a classroom. There is also some knowledge that can only be revealed by God.  There is information that you and I don’t know, only God knows.

I remember a time as a young pastor I faced a problem where a person was bad-mouthing the ministry. This person got together with other members and said disparaging things about the sermons and small groups.  This got back to me, and I was really worried about it.

I thought about it… I tried to think of ideas, things I could do… Most of my ideas were not great… even worse, most of those ideas were not Christ-like.  Most of those ideas were driven by pride, ego, arrogance, revenge… 

So then, I had this radical idea.  Let’s ask God for wisdom. I felt the Lord say, “Let me handle this.” Surprising to everyone, this person very quickly moved away.

Wisdom is available. Ask.
Knowledge is available. Ask.
A better way is available. Ask. 

But the scripture reads on, and this part is not preached enough. 

6 But when you ask, you must believe and not doubt, because the one who doubts is like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind. 7 That person should not expect to receive anything from the Lord. 8 Such a person is double-minded and unstable in all they do.


Think about this…
The problem is tossing you to this side…
You ask God and cross over to the other side…
But then you don’t believe what God says and are tossed to the other side…
You say, “God why aren’t you doing anything…?”
God says “I already told you but you will not believe…”

A person who asks God but does not believe God is double minded and unstable.  They are like a wave of the sea, blown and tossed by the wind.

Someone must gain some knowledge today and let this verse speak to you.

Your problem is not that God has been silent.
Your problem is that you have been unbelieving!

Knowledge is available, but it can be rejected. Let’s look back our text from Hosea 4:6

Hosea 4:6(NIV) my people are destroyed from lack of knowledge. “Because you have rejected knowledge, I also reject you as my priests; because you have ignored the law of your God, I also will ignore your children.

The children of Israel did more than lack knowledge.  They rejected knowledge.

They had the commands of God but did not live them.
They had patriarchs, priests, & prophets yet they rejected the knowledge they had received from God.
They saw the divine hand of God do miracles, yet they rejected that same God’s wisdom.

That knowledge would have saved them from destruction… yet they chose to live without knowledge. Without Knowledge… destruction.

You have the commands of God. They are all right here in your Bible… Are your receiving or rejecting?
Maybe you are receiving a portion of scripture, but rejecting another portion of scripture… Maybe you are receiving the command to love God, but rejecting the command to love your neighbor?

You have had access to people who loved and served God. You have had Pastors & Teachers who had astounding knowledge and sat in amazement as they orated the knowledge of God… yet you walked out of that moment unchanged and unrepentant.  This altar is a place where we lay claim to the knowledge that has been taught… This altar is a place where we repent and change direction. We were on our way to destruction, but we know the knowledge of God changed our direction from destruction, toward LIFE!

You have seen the divine hand of God do miracles, but you, in your unbelief have rejected the knowledge that God even did the miracle.  When God does a miracle for you, it is a rejection of the knowledge of His power, provision, & promise to live in fear of the next problem. 

Receive or Reject

There is no middle ground when it comes to God’s knowledge.

You either accept it, or you reject it… 

You cannot partially receive it.  You must receive with all your heart, all your soul, all your mind, all your strength, and with all readiness. 

What will you do today? Receive or reject?

We are about to spend some time in prayer and worship. Do not just mentally assent to the knowledge preached today… receive it into your heart. Thank God and worship Him for the knowledge He has given.  Ask Him in prayer for clear understanding. 

I have one more scripture to share with you today.

2 Peter 1:3 His divine power has given us everything we need for a godly life through our knowledge of him who called us by his own glory and goodness.

His divine power…

Has given us everything we need…

For a Godly life…

Through our Knowledge of Him who called us…

By his own glory & goodness…

Do you know Him?  The One who called you?  Do you have knowledge of Him?  Then you have everything you need!  Come receive everything you need!

Do you know His glory?
Do you know his goodness?

Operate in the knowledge of Him to receive everything you need.