Q & A – #2


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Questions & Answers WEEK 2


Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Texas. My name is Chris Fluitt and I want to welcome everyone to our brave new series – Questions and Answers.


Over the next weeks we will be taking your questions and answering them as best we can from the Word of God.


We have an anonymous text line where you can send your questions.



I have been raised to believe that God does not forgive us until we ask for forgiveness. But didn’t Jesus blood cover everyone’s sin? Does that mean I am already forgiven? When I ask for forgiveness does that mean God forgives me at that moment? Or have I already been forgiven and asking is my acknowledging my sin and need for repentance? Does that make sense?


Let’s agree on some things.
-God gives us grace.
-We have faith in Jesus that He died, was buried, and rose again.
-We follow after Jesus through grace and faith.


The blood of Jesus does not cover everyone’s sin – Example Passover blood doorpost


Through faith in Jesus WE MUST confess our sins.

1 John 1:9 (NIV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


This is absolutely a part of God’s salvation plan.


When you confess and repent you are forgiven. What should you do next?

Acts 2:38 be baptized for the remission of sins


If you have by grace and faith followed the commands of God to confess, repent, and be baptized, YOU HAVE A LOT TO CELEBRATE!



You curse and die before you can confess…


Jesus died for and has forgiven all your sins. Colossians 2:13

Christ died for sins once for all 1 Peter 3:18


The price for your sins, past, present, and future, has been paid.
In the moment you get hit by a semi… all your hope is in the cross.  BUT THIS IS ALWAYS TRUE RATHER YOU JUST SINNED OR NOT!


Why repent and ask forgivness? ONLY DO IT ONCE?

We need to seek God’s forgiveness whenever we sin so our fellowship with Him will be restored.


1 John 1:9 (NIV) If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness.


Sin is very serious. Sin is why Jesus died on the cross.





Can you help me? I need to know if people who commit suicide will go to heaven or hell. I was told that that is a sin we cannot ask forgiveness for so we will go to hell. But I thought Jesus died for all our sins? Past and future?


1. Suicide is never the answer. Anyone who is contemplating suicide needs to know that God has a better plan for their life. SUICIDE HURTS PEOPLE.

2. There is a misconception about sin and repentance.. here it is. If a person commits a sin but dies before they can confess and repent they will go to hell. I do believe this is a wrong view.


Constantine and death bed baptism…


Our salvation has everything to do with Jesus. He is salvation. So let’s have a relationship with Jesus.



There are many promises… 

-Whoever calls on the name of the Lord shall be saved. Romans 10:13

Those who are “buried with Christ in baptism will rise” Romans 6:4.

We are saved by grace through faith. Ephesians 2:8

He that believes and is baptized shall be saved. Mark 16:16

God will never leave us or forsake us. Hebrews 13:5

Our life is hid with Christ in God. Col 3:3


4. Because we belong to Christ… 

“he is able to guard what I have entrusted to him until that day.” (2 Tim 1:12)  


In other words because we belong to Him we have hope that He will keep us…  yet it is also true that because we belong to Him we should trust him with our life and not take our life through suicide.


Blessings to you. I appreciate your question. As someone who has contemplated suicide I want to make sure that if you are contemplating suicide that you have all the support you need.


What is the difference between the Holy Spirit and the Holy Ghost? I always that they were the same.


They are the exact same. They are simply different translations of the same Greek words.


Hagios – Holy

Pnuema – Breath (Spirit/Ghost)


Breath should remind us of Genesis 1 where God breathed in man and he became a living soul.
The Spirit is God breathing in us again and we become born again.


We may also think of Jesus breathing on His disciples and saying “receive the Holy Ghost.” (John 20:22)


Can a Christian date a trans person?


You are free to do anything you want. You have the free will to do anything.

Not can… but should…


Remove trans person and put a blank


Should a Christian date _____________?


-Someone who is a serial killer?
-Someone who pirates movies off the internet?
-Someone who enjoys doing illegal drugs?
-Someone who is a hypocrite?

-Someone who is walking in a direction not towards God?


2 Corinthians 6:14-15(NIV) 14 Do not be yoked together with unbelievers. For what do righteousness and wickedness have in common? Or what fellowship can light have with darkness? 15 What harmony is there between Christ and Belial (satan/worthless)? Or what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever?


We are instructed to not yoke/join ourselves with those that are not walking with God.


Amos 3:3 (KJV) Can two walk together, except they be agreed?


We need to prioritize our walk with God above every other relationship.
We can have relationships with those that who are not walking with God… but we must keep God as our priority and be careful not to be led away from God.

Dating should lead to marriage… and marriage is a holy vow you make before God. SO MAKE SURE YOU ARE WALKING THE SAME DIRECTION.


Trans gender is a complex issue, but walking with God is very simple.

Is the person walking towards God?


To the extent you are willing to walk with God, I am willing to walk with you.

To the trans community and any other community that feels ostricized by religion, my name is Chris Fluitt and I want you to know God loves you. I am willing to hear your story and walk alongside you towards Jesus.


Was Babylon descendants of Cain, and how did his descendants survive the flood


8 people survived the flood all from the line of Seth.


Genesis 4 lists the line of Cain and stops at the 7th generation – around the time of the flood.


Doctrines surrounding Cain… serpent seed doctrine.

Cain is not a focus of much scripture. Cain’s line appears washed away in the flood.


So what about???

Kenites?  Hard to prove these are descendents of Cain.

Nephilim (giants) are mentioned before and after the flood.


The curse of sin survived the flood… 

Ham and Noah

Cursed be canaan


AS FAR AS BABYLON we can’t directly trace Babylon to Cain, but we can trace Babylon back to the works of satan. Babylon is both a physical kingdom and is referenced as an evil spiritual kingdom of satan in scripture.


Nimrod constructed the city of Babel in Genesis 10. This is the tower of Babel story.

This traces to Babylon and to the false god Baal.

Nimrod is a type and shadow of the antichrist to come… Nimrod crowned himself as king of world government and as God – the antichrist will do the same.


We shouldn’t trace the lineage of Cain, or Nimrod, Ham, or even the 12 disciples… We should understand that Satan’s lineage is lies and destruction… 


God’s lineage is truth and righteousness.


What is God made of? (Kid question)


The house is made of wood…

The toy is made of plastic…

God is not made of brick, stone, metal, or any material.

God made stone… stone does not make God…


God is not MADE… but he does have a nature (attributes)


Gods nature is Holy, Spirit, Light, Life, and Love.


God exists. God creates the World… nothing in this world could be used to make the God who made all things.


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