Lead like Jesus 5 – Legacy of a Leader


You are creating a legacy whether you realize it or not. The trivial decisions you make every day, determine how you will be remembered after you pass on. Those you follow after you will look to see if your leadership had integrity. The bible says to conduct yourself worthy of the gospel, which has been handed down to you. Are you living according to the gospel?

Welcome back to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt and I greet everyone in the room and those tuning in online.

I would love it if all our online attenders would leave me a comment right now. Type something like LEAD LIKE JESUS!  Thank you for your encouragement!

Lead Like Jesus

We are in the 5th & final week of our “Lead Like Jesus” series. We have talked about the heart, the head, the hands, & the habits of a leader. You can find our sermons and notes on our website: Redemptionplano.com.

I want to ask you today, “when is a leader successful?”

When is a Leader Successful?

 Is the leader successful when he has accomplished some sort of metric?
A certain amount of money in the bank?
A certain hourly pay rate?
A certain amount of notoriety & recognition?
A certain number of Instagram followers?

Is your family successful when they’ve moved into a certain size home?
Is your marriage successful when you’ve lasted a certain number of years?
Is your parenting deemed successful when your kid graduates with a certain grade point average?

When is your leadership deemed a success? This is really an important question we are tackling on this final week of our Lead Like Jesus series.

Here is our answer.

There is no Success without a Successor

A successor is one who follows after.
Example: If something were to happen to the president of the United States, the Vice President would succeed the position and become the new president.

I want you to understand this about Jesus.
Jesus succeeded in displaying the Kingdom of God.
Jesus succeeded in reaching people through teaching, miracles, & care.
Jesus succeeded in being sinless and laying down His life as a sacrificial lamb.
Jesus succeeded in raising people from the dead with complete victory.

With all His success, Jesus would have ultimately been a failure without successors who would come after Him.

There is no success without a successor.

Today I want you to look forward into the future and concentrate on the Legacy of a Leader.

Legacy of a Leader

From Genesis 1 man was told to be fruitful & multiply.

Genesis 1:28 God blessed them and said to them, “Be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it. Rule over the fish in the sea and the birds in the sky and over every living creature that moves on the ground.”

We are called of God to be wildly successful (fruitful) and we are called to propagate (multiply) that success onto who comes next.

So many people spend their lives working on the fruitful command, only to neglect the multiply command. Our command is to do both.

You are not only called to be fruitful, but to multiply fruitful children, a spouse, employees…

Jesus told us to be that wise builder who builds a house that stands through the storm. He wants you to build a fruitful house, so firm that future generations are blessed by the work.

Scripture tells us of a tree that was PLANTED… unmovable….

Psalm 1:3 That person is like a tree planted by streams of water, which yields its fruit in season and whose leaf does not wither— whatever they do prospers.

I want to quickly teach you about 4 branches of a tree called legacy. I want you to grab on to this knowledge and then I want us to talk to God together.

A Leader with a legacy is intentional.


Frmatthew 5:8

uitful legacies do NOT just happen, just like fruitful vegetable gardens do not just happen. That garden did not form by default, someone was deliberate in cultivating the soil, planting, caring for, and harvesting the bounty.

We talked about the head of a leader in week 2. We addressed the topic of MISSION, VISION, & VALUES.

When you look at the lives of people who were not only fruitful, but multiplied their fruitfulness and left behind a legacy that impacts beyond their lifespan, you will see an intentional focus.

A leader with a legacy has a mission and he\she stays on mission. Leaders with a legacy will sometimes be accused of being a broken record because they repeat the mission so much.

In our connect groups we are studying the gospel of Luke, and I have noticed this about Jesus. He often repeats himself. He often says something almost exactly as He said it a few chapters earlier.

This is not because Jesus has run out of things to say. It is because as the greatest leadership model, He is intentionally focusing his followers on the Mission.

Your trajectory can drift.

While traveling you can become slightly off course. One of my pastors, David Fuller, was a pilot during part of his adventurous and still fruitful life. He would often talk to leadership teams about how they can drift. He would say an airplane that is off course by a single degree will soon become hundreds of miles off course. “You won’t just miss the airport; you will miss the city and perhaps the state.”

The Eyeball Test 

I want you to close your nondominant eye and point directly at the dot on the screen. Are you sure?
Now switch eyes… Are you still pointing at the dot?
Now both eyes together… Are you sure you are pointing directly at the dot?

How can you be sure of your direction leader? You need an intentional mission that you always come back to.

The legacy tree has a branch of intentionality and a branch of humility


We talked a great deal about humility last week. I just have a quick story I would like to share.

Reggie Jackson was an amazing player. An athletic power hitter, completely deserving of his many awards. He was, one season, playing for the Baltimore Orioles who had a hall of fame coach named Earl Weaver.

Reggie Jackson, Earl Weaver

Earl Weaver had a rule that no one was supposed to steal a base. Reggie Jackson took offense at such control, so one day while on base at first Reggie decided to attempt the steal.  Reggie slid in at second base just under the tag and was called safe. He stood up and glared into the dugout at the Manager, Earl Weaver.

After the game Weaver called Jackson into His office and said… “Reggie here is why I didn’t signal you to steal that base. The man at bat is Lee May and He is our 2nd best power hitter behind you. He has had great success against that pitcher, but when you stole 2nd base it opened up 1st base and they decided and were thrilled to walk Lee May. Then because I thought this was our best chance to win the game, I pinch hit for the next batter which gave us fewer options for later in the game. With the game going into extra innings, we were at a disadvantage on our bench and I think this is why we ultimately lost the game.

Reggie Jackson wanted to steal a base.
Earl Weaver wanted to win the game.  


This legacy tree must include humility. It must honor the mission more than personal achievement.
I have one final phrase about humility.

Become unimpressed with yourself

Become impressed with those who have bought in to the mission.
Become impressed with your spouse’s effort.
Become impressed with your child’s achievement.
Become impressed with your team.
…and become unimpressed with yourself.

Branches of intentionality, humility, and integrity.


We probably can all think of a leader who failed in the area of integrity. More than ever, we can see people who have climbed to the heights of success only to fall because of a lack of integrity. We have seen the legacy of famous entertainers like Bill Cosby & Kevin Spacey become wiped out. O.J. Simpson the great athlete is now a reproach. The legacy of Michael Jackson is no longer befitting the king of pop.

The Church is not immune. A well-known minister, Ravi Zacharias died in the past year and a lack of integrity & moral failure came to light.  This caused the ministry he had set up as his legacy to shut down. 

Mom & Dad, you need integrity as your legacy.
Businessman, or woman, you need integrity in your business dealings, or they will all crumble.
Pastor, minister in the Church, we must have integrity.

In a world that is full of corruption, become a beacon of integrity!

Jesus taught us that there is a blessing in integrity

Matthew 5:8(NIV) Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.

The book Chicken Soup for the Soul tells the story of Lieutenant John Blanchard who, while away in service for our country in time of war, was matched at random with a pen pal. John being away from home and facing loneliness started to really enjoy the letters from this random pen pal. The relationship between these two pen pals grew to the point they would write letters daily and send them off to each other.

John’s pen pal was named Hollis Meynell, and he could feel himself growing in love with a person he had never met and he dreamt of meeting this person after his deployment. One day John got up the courage to ask Hollis for a picture of what she looked like and he offered to send her a picture, as well.  Hollis replied that she thought what they had was special care for one another beyond physical attraction and she wanted to try to keep it that way. John agreed and never brought it up again.

Then came the end of John Blanchard’s deployment and he was excited that he would finally meet this faceless person who meant so much to him. Hollis suggested that they meet at the train station near the ticket counter. She would recognize him because John would be carrying in his arms a stack of the many letters he had received from her. He would recognize her by the rose she would have pinned to her dress.

Finally, the day came and as John got off the train, he looked around with a great nervous anticipation. On his way to the ticket counter, he immediately noticed a beautiful woman walking towards him in a green dress. His heart jumped up into his throat and He was sure this was Hollis, but his heart fell when he noticed this woman was NOT wearing a red rose on her dress.

To make matters more difficult when he passed the young lady, John heard her call out and say, “Going my way soldier?”  EVERYTHING in John Blanchard wanted to turn around with this woman… But he looked down to his hands that were carrying all those letters; he remembered his promise to meet Hollis… He reflected upon what they had shared in all these letters, and he knew it was worth pursuing.

As he mead his way to the ticket counter, he looked and saw a woman with a red rose attached to her dress. John immediately noticed that she was perhaps 15 years older than him, and she was not what he would consider attractive. So, he decided… “Wel,l maybe we won’t be romantic, but maybe we will continue this important friendship.” He walked up to the woman and said “Nice rose. You must be Hollis….”

The woman said “I don’t know what this is about… A woman in a green dress begged me to wear this rose and she said to tell any gentleman who approached me with a stack of letters that she is waiting for you at the café across the street… She said it was, “some kind of test.”

A lack of integrity will cost you a legacy.

We often say, “integrity is who you are when no one is watching.” While this is true, I want to remind you that somewhere in your sphere of influence there is someone watching you.

Mom & Dad, someone is watching.
Business person, someone is watching.
Child of God, someone is watching.
Seasoned saint, let me remind you there are some new born Christians who are watching you.

Branches of intentionality, humility, integrity and finally consistency.


It is not enough to eat right & exercise for a couple of hours that one time a decade ago. The legacy of a good healthy body takes consistency. A legacy is built on consistently doing the job over & over & over.

When it is exciting – give your best.
When it is no longer exciting – give your best.
When you are starting – give your best.
When you are near the end of your career – give your best.
When you are productive – give your best.
When you seem less than productive – give your best.
When it is easy – give your best.
When it is difficult – give your best.

Legacy comes to those who consistently give their best to something.

There was a man who was an excellent home builder. He worked extremely hard and was recognized as one of the best.

This man had always planned to retire after 35 years, in order to spend time with family. He had written down the final date he planned to work and had it posted prominently in his office. During the final weeks of his career the owner of the company came to him and begged him to take on one last project. The expert builder was angry saying, “You know I always planned to retire on this date and now you are asking me to take on a project that will take me beyond that date.”  The owner of the company apologized but told the builder he wouldn’t have asked him if it wasn’t really important. The owner said that only he, this builder, could be entrusted with the important project.

The builder agreed to the final project, but his heart was not in it. He cut corners to save time. He hired crews that he knew where not as good, but that were available to knock out the job quickly. Unlike the rest of his career, this builder did not attempt to build the best house, but instead attempted the quickest build.

When the home was completed the owner of the company came out to inspect the job. The builder handed over the keys and was ready to walk into his retirement, but the owner stopped him and said, “You have been such an amazing builder. Thank you for all that you have done for our company. You have always done your best and we are all so much better off because of your tireless effort. To show our appreciation this last build is now your home.” He said, “congratulations” as he handed him back the keys. “We thought the best retirement gift was to allow you to build your own dream home.”

Whether you realize it or not, you are building your house.

You will leave a legacy

Will it be a legacy you are proud of, or a legacy you will regret?

Intentionality, humility, integrity and consistency.

President George W. Bush once said, “Words don’t write a legacy, actions do.”

What kind of legacy will you leave behind?

I remember a preacher once saying, “God decides the length of your life. God allows us to decide the significance of that life.”

You have a legacy in front of you. Do you want to pray about it today? I am about to ask you to come, but I have one more thing to say.

You are someone’s Legacy

I want you to feel the weight of this truth.

Someone has poured their life into you and now their legacy is in your hands.

You have a Godly parent who taught you about Jesus… now you are to teach the next generation.
You had someone believe in you and encourage you… now it is your turn to find someone to encourage.

You are someone’s legacy! I want to encourage you to live a life worthy of that legacy.

You are Jesus’ Legacy

You really do have a calling in Jesus. Who, better than Jesus, has poured themselves into you and now expects you to carry that legacy?

He served…, now you serve.
He carried the cross…, now take up your cross.

Philippians 1:27 Whatever happens, conduct yourselves in a manner worthy of the gospel of Christ.

The Gospel is a legacy you have been given. Will you live a life worthy of the gospel?

Is there anyone today that wants to ask God for a significant life that lasts beyond your lifespan and becomes your successful legacy?