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Killers 2 – Killer Clowns Foolishness Kills
Foolishness Kills. A Killer is any person or thing that takes life. Jesus warns us of a thief who has come to do just that. (John 10:10)
Killers are seriously deadly, but not seriously wise.
There is a 1988 “B” movie named “Killer Klowns from Outer Space.” It features gigantic, creepy, gross clowns who descend upon a small town in order to kill people in ridiculous clownish ways. Clowns are foolish, and we sometimes dismiss foolish things as less than serious. But these clowns were also killers.
Satan is like a foolish killer clown who convinces us that he is worth a laugh before he swoops in for the kill. Foolishness is a killer. We need a higher wisdom if we are ever to be saved from this killer clown.
Welcome back to Redemption Church. I am Chris Fluitt and I welcome you. Hello to all of our online viewers. I hope to see you one day in Plano Tx.
We are in the 2nd week of our Killers sermon series.
Jesus told us about a thief who steals, kills, and destroys. The thief is anyone who does not enter through the gate… and Jesus says that He is the gate. The thief kills, but Jesus gives life and a full life.
There is a killer present. We need to find the killer.
A Killer is any person or thing that takes life.
Today I want you to consider this truth.
Killers are seriously deadly, but not seriously wise
We are used to movie killers such as Hannibal Lecter who was an evil genius cannibal in the flick “Silence of the Lambs.” I would tell you that even genius killers with a large intelligence end up being foolish when they play the role of a killer.
Killers are seriously deadly, but not seriously wise. Which brings us to today’s subject.
We take sermon prep very seriously here at Redemption Church. I told our Care Pastor, Marshal Blessing, that I was preaching about Killer Clowns this week and He asked me if I had ever watched the 1998 classic “Killer Klowns from Outer Space.” I said no, so we gathered on Tuesday night to do some serious sermon prep.
What can you say about this movie? The title says it all. Killer Klowns from Outer Space. That is the title and the perfect description of this ridiculous plot.
One night a group of “killer klowns” terrorize a small town. They end up killing people in the dumbest clownish ways. They shoot them with popcorn guns, entomb the bodies in cotton candy cocoons, and put on killer puppet shows. Then, of course, it turns out they have a spaceship… because they are “killer klowns” from outer space. I don’t want to say anymore because “spoilers.”
Being killed is a tragedy, but being killed by a stupid clown is such a stupid tragedy.
In the summer of 2016 there was a cultural phenomenon when killer clowns started appearing across the US. There was a panic over people dressing up as killer clowns. It was scary, creepy, and also pretty dumb. Thank goodness that stopped.
Killer clowns present a unique challenge. Clowns are humorous, funny, & foolish and because of this easily dismissed, yet they are killers. We are often dismissive of the foolish, but maybe we should take it a little more seriously.
Foolishness Kills
Has a foolish decision ever stolen life from you?
Foolish decisions have destroyed marriages.
The decision to just stress yourself to death over a problem rather than spend a little time fixing the problem.
The foolish pleasure of addiction has killed many people.
The foolish lack of self-control has led many to self-sabotage.
The foolish act of professing God yet not trusting God.
Foolishness kills. So what is foolishness? Scripture is very serious about the subject of foolishness.
When Scripture talks about foolishness it is not talking about fun, joy, laughter, or humor. This is an important point.
Scriptural foolishness is summed up in one word – MISUSE. Foolishness is misusing the things you have been given by God.
For example, misusing your intelligence to make unwise choices is foolish. God has given you reasoning skills yet we MISUSE that gifting to make wrong decisions. This is foolish.
When God gives you something to bless your life, but you misuse that gift to ultimately curse your life – that is foolishness.
God gave us sex as a blessed gift, yet we have misused it foolishly in lust outside of marriage.
God has blessed us with money and the ability to create wealth, yet we foolishly fall into materialistic greed rather than wisely serve God & others with our money.
God has blessed us with minds of limitless capability, yet we foolishly sit like zombies on the couch watching Netflix, because we are satisfied with entertaining our minds with another reality rather than creating our own.
Everything you have is a gift from God! Every gift you misuse is foolishness.
Foolishness is a sin. Sin is foolishness
Do not chuckle at the killer clown. His foolishness is darker than you know.
Proverbs 24:9 (KJV) The thought of foolishness is sin:
Sin is like a stupid big clown that kills you in the most ridiculous ways.
The foolishness of sin will cause you to laugh and let your defenses down. It is a crafty design of the enemy.
I like this quote from pastor John Piper…
“Sin opposes God. Folly (foolishness) opposes yourself. Since opposing God is suicide, all sin is foolish.”
To oppose God is to ultimately oppose yourself. It is foolishly misusing your relationship with God… you ought to be a friend of God but you misuse your standing with God to be an opposer of God. It is sin. It is foolish.
Jeremiah 4:22 (NIV2011) “My people are fools; they do not know me. They are senseless children; they have no understanding. They are skilled in doing evil; they know not how to do good.”
A fool doesn’t know God.
God created everything because He wants you to know Him
A fool has no understanding.
James 1:5 says that God freely gives understanding to anyone who asks.
A fool is skilled in the wrong thing
God has made known to us what is good & perfect through Jesus Christ, yet we are skilled in other things.
You are foolish to follow those who don’t know God, lack understanding and are skilled in evil.
Jesus reveals a foolish situation in Matthew 15:14. He is speaking of the Pharisees. The Pharisees considered themselves wise religious leaders… Yet Jesus consistently points out that they foolishly misuse everything they are given.
Matthew 15:14 (NIV2011) Leave them; they are blind guides. If the blind lead the blind, both will fall into a pit.”
Fools gladly follow fools. If the blind lead the blind they both fall into the ditch.
This foolishness is sin. This foolishness is misuse. This foolishness is a killer.
I want to tell you about the biggest fool I know…
Satan is a fool
Now I don’t mean to make light of this adversary. Satan is intelligent & crafty. Satan can quote more scripture than any of us. He is a master communicator and is clothed with all the beauty you would expect from an archangel… yet he has misused everything He has ever been given. Satan is a fool. He is a Killer Clown.
Redemption Church, do you want to be led by a fool like Satan? If not I suggest you say “What a fool” and walk away.
What a fool
Let me give you Satan’s foolish resume. After every bullet point, I invite you to declare “WHAT A FOOL.”
Satan rebelled against an all-powerful God.
Satan thought he would sneak attack an omniscient God.
Satan betrayed his creator.
Satan thought if he gathered a big enough army he could overtake heaven.
Satan thought He should sit on God’s throne.
Satan never created anything… provided anything… gave life to anything…
He wants to be like the highest… But He is nothing like the highest.
Satan is a fool
Get how foolish this guy is. His highest idea is God…
Isaiah 14:14 (NIV2011) I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
His highest idea is God… yet he rebels against God in an attempt to become God.
The highest ideal among all creation is God. And if you reject this high ideal, then you like Satan, end up making yourself the God of your universe. The only problem with that is YOU ARE NOT THE GOD OF THE UNIVERSE!
We misuse our reasoning skills to come to the wrong conclusion. This is foolishness.
We end up opposing ourselves. We end up opposing the highest ideal – God.
Satan is a Killer Clown
In the great timeless classic, “Killer Klowns from outer space,” the same scenario keeps occurring.
The gigantic, obviously non-human, creepy, gross “killer klown” tries to lure unsuspecting people into their ridiculous deaths.
In one scene a killer klown goes to a window and gets the attention of someone and gives them a “come hither” finger motion. He keeps trying to lure them outside… and all the while the “killer klown” has a large colorful mallet hidden behind his back.
This is how Satan operates. If you follow Satan you are a fool.
He appeared as a snake in the garden… but he might as well have been a big stupid looking clown with a mallet behind his back.
From his victory in the garden, all mankind was under the curse of sin…
Satan made a fool of mankind.
But Jesus made a fool of Satan.
Jesus made a fool of Satan
Every person was under the control of Satan. Every person would die as a result. But then Jesus shows up… Jesus has an authority the world had never seen since Adam & Eve had dominion in the garden.
Jesus shows up and demons start getting cast out of people. Demoniacs with a legion of demons start running toward Jesus worshipping, becoming free from the demonic strongholds. Jesus starts bringing people back from the dead. AND THE WORST THING OF ALL… Jesus starts forgiving people of their sin and bringing them into a relationship with God again!!!
Satan knew something must be done about this Jesus.
Satan confronts Jesus with 3 “ifs” in Matthew 4.
1 IF you are the Son of God, command these stones to become bread…
2 IF you are the Son of God, throw yourself down and have the angels protect you…
3 All these things I will give you IF you will fall down & worship me.
This is a killer clown attack. “If” is like that come hither motion, all the while he had a mallet hidden behind his back.
Make no mistake. He is a funny looking clown, but he is a killer. Had Jesus failed here all hope would be lost. His trick worked on all humanity. He had walloped all humanity with that mallet… But Jesus counters the 3 “ifs” with 3 “it is writtens” and we see the devil forced to leave.
Only a fool follows a fool.
The foolishness of sin opposes your own self.
To honor God is wise, righteous, & joyful. To honor God is to support yourself.
Let’s look at the end result of the fool…
Isaiah 14:12 (NIV2011) How you have fallen from heaven, morning star, son of the dawn! You have been cast down to the earth, you who once laid low the nations!
Isaiah 14:13 (NIV2011) You said in your heart, “I will ascend to the heavens; I will raise my throne above the stars of God; I will sit enthroned on the mount of assembly, on the utmost heights of Mount Zaphon.
Isaiah 14:14 (NIV2011) I will ascend above the tops of the clouds; I will make myself like the Most High.”
Isaiah 14:15 (NIV2011)But you are brought down to the realm of the dead, to the depths of the pit.
Isaiah 14:16 (NIV2011) Those who see you stare at you, they ponder your fate: “Is this the man who shook the earth and made kingdoms tremble,
Revelation 20:1 (NIV2011) And I saw an angel coming down out of heaven, having the key to the Abyss and holding in his hand a great chain.
Revelation 20:2 (NIV2011) He seized the dragon, that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan, and bound him for a thousand years.
Revelation 20:3 (NIV2011) He threw him into the Abyss, and locked and sealed it over him, to keep him from deceiving the nations anymore until the thousand years were ended…
It would be so foolish to follow a fool like Satan.
It would be foolish to walk out of this moment with sin still in your life.
It is time stop opposing yourself in foolish ways? Turn to God.
A killer is a person or thing that takes life.