Killers 1 – Find The Killer

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Killers 1 – Find the Killer

Look out behind you! Sure there was nothing behind you… but what would you have done if there was a killer behind you? A killer is a person or thing that takes life. Jesus warns us about a thief that has come to steal, kill, and destroy. According to Jesus, the question is not “is there a killer?” the question is “Where is the Killer?” The great news is Jesus gave us a perfect way to find the killer, and at the same time protect us from their evil intention.

Welcome to Redemption Church in beautiful Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt and I am the Lead Pastor here. I greet you all in the room and those watching online.

We are kicking off a new spooky sermon series today entitled “Killers.”

Killer – A person or thing that takes lifekillers

Killers exist. It is a fact of life that there are things and people who kill.

Think of a famous killer…

What would you do if a killer was after you?

Jesus alerts us of an enemy whose only aim is to steal, KILL, and destroy.

The scariest part of a scary movie is when the audience sees the killer, but the would-be victim is unaware of the danger. There is danger in this world we are unaware of… Like our intro video showed… That was a 1996 Super Bowl commercial that spoofs a very suspenseful movie scene from a movie called “when a stranger calls.” It is a silly commercial but a haunting thought of what would you do if the killer was already inside the house.

Right from the start, I want us to not ask “Is there a killer present?”, but instead, ask “Where is the killer.”

Where is the killer?killers

Somewhere in your life, there is a killer lurking.

Think of a famous killer. Who came to mind? You might have thought of a movie character… a mass murder, an assassin, or serial killer… Not all killers are people.

Here are the world’s greatest killers every year according to science.

  • Around 2 million are killed on the road in careless often avoidable accidents.

  • Another 2 million have their life taken by diabetes. A large percentage could have avoided this killer by better eating habits.

  • 2 million are killed each year from lung cancers brought on by cigarettes.

  • 3 million are killed from COPD, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease each year.

  • Nearly 6 million are killed by a stroke.

  • 9 million die at the hands of a killer called heart disease.

Raise your hands if when I asked for you to think of a famous killer you thought of any of the killers I just mentioned.

We are the character in the scary movie that is unaware of the killer.

There are killers around us, and we are so unaware.

The question is not “is a killer present.” The question is “Where is the Killer?”

Where is the killer?

I invite you to this series to “Find the Killer.”

Find the Killer

We need to locate what is taking our life.

It wants to kill you, your marriage, your children, finances, health, spirit, and future.

John 10:10 (NIV2011) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy

Who is the thief?

The thief comes to steal, kill, and destroy. Who is the thief?

Raise your hand if you are thinking of the devil, Satan. There have been many a sermon preached using this verse to talk about the devil. And while the devil fits the bill as a thief, a stealer, a killer, and a destroyer, Jesus is not talking specifically about the devil in John 10. Let’s look at the context.

John 10:1 (NIV2011) “Very truly I tell you Pharisees, anyone who does not enter the sheep pen by the gate, but climbs in by some other way, is a thief and a robber.

Anyone who DOES NOT enter by the gate is a thief… and they have come to steal, kill, and destroy.

Jesus tells us about a sheep pen. There is a right and wrong way to enter the sheep pen. Much like there is a right & wrong way to enter your house. Owners & guests use your front door. Only thieves look to climb in another way.

Killers rarely pull out a set of keys and unlock the front door. They usually lurk in the shadows and find other ways to sneak in.

Jesus tells us about a thief who comes into the sheep pen by some other way than the gate.

Beware of people who sneak around, who are dishonest, and do things under the cover of night. The killing thief is anyone who does not enter by the gate.

Thieves are not honest – they steal, kill, and destroykillers


  • People who are different when others are not looking.

  • People who have lots of secrets…. secret rendezvous, text messages, and phone calls.

  • Just between you and me conversations.

  • The desire to hide.

If you have one of these scenarios, you may have found a killer.


In our court system, there is are different charges for killing. There is a Murder charge and then there is a manslaughter charge. The difference between murder & man-slaughter is the intent to kill. The end result is the same… someone has been killed.

Right now in Dallas, there is a high profile case where an off-duty police officer walked into someone else’s’ apartment and shot them. It is the job of the court to decide if the officer intended to shot the victim or if it was truly an accidental killing.

While we can argue intent all day, the end result is still the same. Someone lost their life.

Some people commit manslaughter.

The steal from you, but they didn’t intend to steal

  • Their drama steals your emotional energy and time.

They kill you, but they didn’t’ intend to kill.

  • Their negative words actually kill your dreams and take away your courage.

They destroy, but they didn’t intend to destroy.

  • They can without intention destroy your marriage or other relationships.

Intention matters in the court of law, but it makes no difference in the final result.

People who do not come through the gate end up stealing, killing, and destroying. Even if they don’t intend to cause you harm, they may end up killing you.

How important is the gate in Jesus’ parable? How important is a gate in your life?

The Gatekillers

You need a gate in your life. You need a NON-NEGOTIABLE that you don’t allow access to anyone who refuses to enter through the gate.

Do not allow fence hoppers in your life.

Do not allow those who lurk in the shadows to have a voice in your life.

Do not allow those who would commit a break and entering, through some other means than the gate, to hang around your life.

No thieves. No liars. No killers.

Honest people welcome. Truth tellers welcome. Life givers welcome. They are allowed to come right through the gate.

Are you allowing people in your life who refuse to enter through the gate?

Then Jesus adds a new level of understanding to this life-giving lesson.

John 10:7 (NIV2011) Therefore Jesus said again, “Very truly I tell you, I am the gate for the sheep.

Jesus is the gatekillers

It is important for you to have a gate in your life.

  • We could talk about that gate being a moral list of do’s and don’ts and you would get some good use out of that… but ultimately that is not enough and will fail. You will get locked out of your own gate because we don’t live up to moral lists very well.

  • You could make that gate some systematic tradition like religion, philosophy, or science… but ultimately that is not enough and will fail. There have been many killers found in religion, philosophy & science.

  • You could make your gate a person like your parent, a spouse, or a friend, but ultimately that is not enough and will fail. Ever hear of a killer being someone you would have least expected… like a spouse, parent, or friend. Killers can slip right through these gates.

  • You could make your gate what the latest trends and beliefs of the latest culture are… but that is ultimately not enough and will fail. These gates are constantly changing and are never about protecting people, but for satisfying people.

People, who enter through the gate that is Jesus Christ, are not killers.

  • Want a simple way to figure out who a killer is? Make Jesus your gate.

  • Want a simple way to keep killers out? Make Jesus your gate.

Make Jesus your gate…

Of your mouth – Do not say things that Jesus would not say.

Of your eyes – Do not look on things Jesus would not look upon.

Of your ears – do not listen to things or conversations that Jesus would not listen to.

Of your heart & mind & soul & spirit…

People, who enter through the gate that is Jesus Christ, are saved!

John 10:9 (NIV2011) I am the gate; whoever enters through me will be saved. They will come in and go out, and find pasture.

Jesus is not a killer. Jesus is the life giver.

The Life Giverkillers

John 10:10 (NIV2011) The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy; I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full.

This gate, the Lord Jesus Christ, is not just a gate of protection from the killer. This gate is a source of life. He gives life to the full.

This gate keeps out those that would take the life but also gives life to all who enter.

Jesus is the gate. He said it. But Jesus says He is something else as well.

John 10:11 (NIV2011) “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep.

He is the good shepherd. He is the guy who built the sheep pen. He is the one who feeds and cares for his sheep. Who but the good shepherd cares about the pen and sheep in it?

No one cares for you like Jesus. This is why He should be your gate. He is willing to lay down his own life to keep you safe from the killer. That is what he did for us on the cross.

He is not the gate because he wants to control you… He is the gate to save you!

He is not the gate because he wants to put limits on your life… He is the gate to limit the killer and to give your life to the full!

Everyone coming into your life, any other way than through the gate will only end up stealing, killing, and destroying.

Who or what have you been allowing to jump the fence…?

  • Lust & pornography are killers.

  • Greed & pride are killers.

  • Hatred & un-forgiveness are killers.

Maybe you are the unintentional killer? Maybe you don’t intend to be killing your marriage, harming your children, stealing from others, and destroying your future… but unless you enter through the gate… you will end up the killer.

Come enter through the gate that is Jesus.

Make a decision to come and cut off access to anyone who would hop the fence.