God of Fun 2: Heavy Commands, Light Commands

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Does God give us Heavy Commands or Light Commands?

We don’t equate God and His Word/Commands/Rules to FUN.
When we think of God’s commands we think of scriptures like..
Genesis 2:17 (NIV2011) but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 
That doesn’t exactly sound fun.. But maybe it is time we rethink God’s commands.

  • God actually COMMANDS us to have fun.
  • The Bible describes God’s commands as EASY & LIGHT.
  • God’s Spirit is FUN!

God of Fun 2 – Heavy Commands, Light Commands

Sermon notes by Pastor Chris Fluitt

Redemption Church Plano Tx

Happy Father’s Day

God of Fun

Welcome back to the 2nd week of the GOD OF FUN series.
In week 1 we told you that God created fun. The Creator God took a world that was empty, formless, and dark and created a bright vivid world that was full of awe and wonder.
This Creator God then created US – Mankind. God gave us senses to experience this amazing world. We talked about brains and how strange and amazing our brains are. The creator God created us to create and to be creative.
If you are not experiencing fun, happiness, and joy you might be doing something wrong.  You might have a wrong perception.

Your perception is your reality

If you never had cheesecake before, but you heard that it was gross, this would give you the perception that cheesecake was gross. Then when you were offered the opportunity to experience a slice of New York Style Cheesecake for the first time, you may turn it down because your perception then becomes your reality.
Wouldn’t it be sad to let a false perception be your reality?
Wouldn’t it be sad to live in a false reality where cheesecake is gross?  Because I love cheesecake so much I would try to save you from such a terrible perception.
I want to save someone from false perceptions. Let’s have some New York Style Cheesecake from our neighbors across the street at “Mama Jenny’s” restaurant.
If you have the perception that cheesecake is gross, I would like to change that today. If I can change your perception, I can change your reality.
As Christians we may have some false perceptions… We mentioned this last week.

An unhappy Christian is living within a false reality, that stems from a false perception.

What is our perception of God’s word?  What is our perception of God’s commandments?
What do you think? Would you say God’s commands are Heavy or Light?
I think if we are honest, we usually think that God’s commands are heavy. You may think that God’s rules are hard and difficult to bear.  God’s commands aren’t on your list of fun things.
When we think of the Word of God, do we tend to think of “YOU MUST DO THIS OR SURELY YOU WILL DIE” type scripture? Now there are some scriptures that warn us of certain death.. but do we have the perception that that is ALL that the Bible contains?
Is it possible that God’s commands could be enjoyable? Is it possible that God’s Word could actually bring joy, happiness, and laughter?
Do you have this picture of a God who created a wonderful exciting and fun world, but created a bunch of rules so that we could never enjoy it?
If you are anywhere in this ballpark, boy did you come to the right sermon.

We need to rethink God’s commands…

God's Commands
Chronologically speaking, what is God’s first command in scripture? What comes to your mind first?
Did you perhaps think of this verse?
Genesis 2:17 (NIV2011) but you must not eat from the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, for when you eat from it you will certainly die.” 
Is this God’s first command?  It isn’t. Let’s change our perception.
By my very conservative count, there are at least 20 commandments before the one you thought of.
Let there be light was a command. God calling the light day and the dark night were commands. Be fruitful and multiply is a command. In fact my count didn’t even take into account when God sees what he created and names it GOOD. I challenge you to look through the first 2 chapters of Genesis and see that God’s first command is NOT don’t eat from the tree of knowledge.
This small false perception frames our reality. It paints a picture of a buzzkill God who is a lot like the grumpy old man in your neighborhood who would yell at you. “Don’t touch that kid you kids.”
That is not the true reality of God. Is that your false perception.
We could spend the next hour talking about “WHY.” Why did God command them not to eat of the tree? The short answer is that God values your free will and that even in the perfect Garden God allowed Adam, Eve & even Satan to have free will. Also let’s add that His command to not eat of the tree was for the benefit of Adam & Eve. We can talk about this sometime if you like. Check out our anonymous text line. 214 856 0550.

The true reality is that God has way more “let me bless you” commands, “let me empower you” commands, “Let me create for you and in you” commands, than He does “thou shalt not or you will surely die” commands.

We need to rethink God’s commands…

If you think God’s commands are heavy check out 1 John 5:3.
1 John 5:3 (NIV2011) In fact, this is love for God: to keep his commands. And his commands are not burdensome, 
His commands are not burdensome. His commands are a part of a loving relationship with God.
His commands don’t come from a power trip ego, they come from a loving invitation. Jesus invites us in Matthew 11.
Matthew 11:28 (NIV2011) “Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. 
Jesus will give you what? REST. If your perception is that God will give you more heavy commands then you need to look again.
Matthew 11:29 (NIV2011) Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. 
Matthew 11:30 (NIV2011) For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.” 
His yoke is… easy. Do you like it when things are easy?
Pause. Do you have the perception that the Truth of Jesus is EASY? Do you believe that the burden Jesus places on you is a light burden?
We need to rethink God’s commands…
If we could just change our perception of this God of Fun; He is a God of creation, blessing, protection, rest, light & easy burdens.

God commands Fun

Deuteronomy 16:12 (NIV2011) Remember that you were slaves in Egypt, and follow carefully these decrees. 
Deuteronomy 16:13 (NIV2011) Celebrate the Festival of Tabernacles… 
God was talking to people who had been cruelly enslaved for 400 years. So God gives them a command to PARTY! God commands His people to CELEBRATE.
You think God’s commands are not fun!? He commands His people to have fun!
Israel to this day celebrates these festivals. These parties last for days are the commands of the God of Fun.
Deuteronomy 16:14 (NIV2011) Be joyful at your festival—you, your sons and daughters, your male and female servants, and the Levites, the foreigners, the fatherless and the widows who live in your towns. 
Christians need to learn how to party. We need joyful celebration. We need to invite everyone… you, your sons and daughters, your servants, Levites, foreigners, the fartherless and widows… INVITE EVERYBODY AND PARTY DOWN.
God commands Fun
A common perception is that Christians don’t go to parties. Christians don’t dance. Christians don’t drink anything stronger than grape juice. Christians aren’t found at rock concerts. Christian kids can’t play dress up on Halloween. Christians are stiff un-fun people to be around…
Perhaps we have a false perception?

An unhappy Christian is living within a false reality, that stems from a false perception.

God is not anti-fun. God commands fun!
1 Thessalonians 5:16 (NIV2011) Rejoice always, 
Philippians 4:4 (NIV2011) Rejoice in the Lord always. I will say it again: Rejoice! 
Ecclesiastes 3:4 (NIV2011) a time to weep and a time to laugh, a time to mourn and a time to dance, 
Are we as Christians making time for weeping but not laughing? Do you make time for mourning, but not for dancing?

The SPIRIT of Fun

God’s Spirit brings about some fun things. Check out what the Spirit does.
Isaiah 61:1 (NIV2011) The Spirit of the Sovereign Lord is on me, because the Lord has anointed me to proclaim good news to the poor. He has sent me to bind up the brokenhearted, to proclaim freedom for the captives and release from darkness for the prisoners, 
God’s Spirit brings good news and binds up those with broken hearts. God’s Spirit proclaims freedom to those who are captive and releases prisoners from darkness.
Isaiah 61:3 (NIV2011) and provide for those who grieve in Zion— to bestow on them a crown of beauty instead of ashes, the oil of joy instead of mourning, and a garment of praise instead of a spirit of despair…
God’s Spirit brings provision to those who grieve. God’s spirit bestows a beautiful crown in place of ashes. The Spirit exchanges sadness and mourning for the oil of JOY. And instead of a spirit of despair, God’s Spirit gives you a garment of praise.
When you experience God’s Spirit you will experience some amazing fun.
Now let me be clear. God’s Spirit can bring you to conviction. It can convict you of sin and bring you to tears. It will bring you to the revelation that you have done wrong and need to repent. And I realize that you might be thinking “that doesn’t sound like fun.”
It can be rough, but having incorrect perceptions confronted is always a challenge. If you will allow the Spirit to bring change to your life, then the fun will really start.

The Spirit of God will change your reality

The Spirit can empower you. Acts 1:8
The Spirit will lead you into all truth. John 16:13
The Spirit will give you a fresh-start  also known as being born again. John 3:5
The Spirit sets you free. 2 Corinthians 3:17
The Spirit makes you a child of God. Romans 8:15
The Spirit will gift you with supernatural ability. 1 Corinthians 12
The Spirit will spread love straight from your heart. Romans 5:5
The Spirit draws you to God. John 6:44
The Spirit gives you the words to say. Luke 12:12
The Spirit bring fruit in your life – love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness and self-control. Galatians 5:22-23
The Spirit saved 3000 in Acts 2, 5000 in Acts 4, saved an entire city in Acts 8.
The Spirit reached hopeless cases, like the gentiles in Acts 10.
The Spirit brought sight to Saul in Acts 9.
The Spirit sent Paul & Barnabas to be missionaries. Acts 13
The Spirit moved on the apostles when they preached.
The Spirit did miracles.
The Spirit caused the shadow of Peter to heal the sick. Acts 5
The Spirit of God raised Jesus from the dead. The same Spirit will raise you from the dead. Romans 8:11
The Spirit will change everything! Do you have the Spirit?
If you are trying to live a Christian life without the Holy Spirit you are probably unhappy.
When you surrender to the Spirit you will have joy, happiness, laughter,… The Spirit is a blast!  The Spirit is Fun!
Let’s review.
We need to rethink God’s commands…
God has easy, light, fun filled commands that are good for you.
God commands Fun
God commands you to celebrate with joy. God commands you to throw parties.
The SPIRIT of Fun
God’s Spirit is fun!
The Spirit of God will change your reality
You always feel joy when you worship in the Spirit.
You always feel blown away amazed when God uses you by His Spirit.
You always feel relieved when God’s Truth comes to you by the Spirit.
You need to get a dose of the Holy Ghost! It is fun ya’ll!
Do you want God’s Spirit to fill your life?
Repent of the false perception that God’s commands are heavy.