Greater Than 3 – Power


Hello Redemption Church! Hello to everyone watching and listening online. Greetings from Plano Texas! My name is Chris Fluitt and I am glad to share God’s Word with you today.

We are in the 3rd week of our Greater than series.

Greater Than

No one searches for lesser things… We search for greater.

Our world is searching for greater. And our world has a hierarchy, a system for assigning value. Here is that Hierarchy.

Sex Money Power

The world believes and acts like nothing is greater than sex money and power.

In week 1 we told you there was something greater than sex. Love is greater than sex.

In week 2 our care pastor Marshal Blessing told you there was something greater than money. Love is greater than money.

Today I want to tell you there is something greater than power.


Our world is after power.

We are hearing everyday about the growing field of people who will be running for president. We are getting close to 20 people who will be giving a lot of time, effort, and money to gain the power of the presidency.

On your job there are often people jockeying for position to receive the next promotion. That promotion means power.

People will almost do anything to gain power. We know all too well that people will lie, steal, cheat, and sell themselves to gain power. …and is the power ever enough? No the hierarchy says that we need more.

This hierarchy is programmed into us from a young age. See if you recognize these power slogans directed at children.

“I have the power”

“By your powers combined”

Captain Planet

“Heroes in a half shell, Turtle power”

Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles

“It’s morphin’ time” as they would summon their power.

Power rangers

“You underestimate the power of the dark side.”

Darth Vader – Star Wars

We are programmed from a young age to love power. There are so many more examples…

Super Mario would need a power up. Pac-Man would eat power pellets. Popeye would eat spinach to gain his power. Every kid wanted to buy a power glove – “now you’re playing with power.”

The love of power

Humanity is in love with power. Let’s talk about the love of power.

Place a person by the side of the road with a sign saying they are desperate for help… very few people will be attracted to that scenario.

Now place popular singer, Ariana Grande, on the same road and watch people stop whatever they are doing to attempt to have a selfie with the pop star.

Why is this? The person in need of help has no power to offer, but the pop star does have power to offer.

We are in love with power.

The Devil used Adam & Eve’s love of power to get them to taste of the tree of knowledge.

Genesis 3:5 (NIV2011) “For God knows that when you eat from it your eyes will be opened, and you will be like God, knowing good and evil.”

Adam & Eve were willing to turn from God at the opportunity to gain power.

  • Samson did not realize that Delilah was only in love with his power.
  • King David was a man after God’s own heart but fell prey to the corruption that power can bring.
  • David’s son, Absalom, would have chosen power over the life of his father.
  • Judas betrayed Christ in a play for power.
  • The Pharisees had Jesus crucified because he was a threat to their political & social power.

The Love of power is dangerous.

Power is not bad.

In Creation God shows us true power when He spoke and the world was made. The world was good. Was this power good? Why?

Jesus says in Matthew 28 that “All power in heaven & Earth are given to him…” Jesus has all power. Is his power bad? Why not?

Jesus says that we will have power when the Holy Spirit comes upon us. We will be given Holy Spirit power. Is this power bad? Why?

Power is not bad as long as the motivation behind the power is not bad.

In Creation, God’s power was not motivated by pride. His power was motivated by love.

When Jesus says He has all power, these words are not motivated by greed. This power is motivated by love.

The power of God’s spirit is not motivated by hatred. This power is motivated by love.

The Love of Power

The Love of power is destructive. It creates a “game of thrones” scenario where everyone will do anything and kill anyone to sit on the throne of power. Because of the love of power, people will take their power and crush others in order to gain more power.

You do not want to play a game of thrones. Be careful who you allow to sit on the throne…

I can’t trust others to sit on the throne… People don’t always have the right motive.

I don’t need to sit on the throne… I don’t always have the right motive.

God is the only one I can trust to sit on the throne. He always has the right motive.

The power of love

God created the world through the power of love. He reached down into the dirt and formed man through the power of love. He created everything mankind would need to live.. and he did this through the power of love. Love was his motivation.

When mankind fell into sin God spoke to us in love. He gave us commands to help us live healthy lives. He wasn’t trying to control us… He was helping us in love.

When mankind needed a savior, God put on flesh and was born a man. He came and lived the perfect life. He healed the sick, raised the dead, and fed the hungry. He went to the cross where his feet and hands were nailed and he was crowned with thorns. Jesus gave His live on the cross… give me a reason he did this other than love. Try to come up with a selfish, corrupt, or evil reason to do this. You cannot! He did this through the power of love.

God did not come to show us his power.. riches… beauty… He came to show us His love!

A few weeks ago I preached a surprising sermon on Hitler… Power left unchecked is very destructive. Thankfully there is something greater than power.

Love is greater than power

Love is greater than power, because love dictates how power is used.

Proverbs 4:23 (NIV2011) Above all else, guard your heart, for everything you do flows from it.

A heart that is thirty for more power, out of that heart will flow destruction.

A heart that is full of love, out of that heart will flow beautiful, helpful, loving things.

This is how powerful love is! It can end the game of thrones once and for all. Love can stop the constant crushing of power. Love can actually take the power and redeem it from corruption.

Love is the one thing that that can control power

We have seen power out of control, but love can constrain out of control power.

2 Corinthians 5:14 (NIV2011) For Christ’s love constrains (kjv) us, because we are convinced that one died for all…

Power is the ability to do something… These hands can do terrible things – they can steal. This tongue can say hurtful things and lie.

I have the power to kill. I have the power to cheat on my wife. I have the power to abuse others. And so do you.. You have this power. BUT WATCH THIS…

The love of Christ has constrained me. Out of love I do not do everything I have the ability to do. Love constrains me from stealing, cheating, and abusing.

Love is greater than power. Love controls… constrains… love limits. Because Jesus loves us and died for us… this love causes us to live differently.

Basketball Love

Like that love hoop from the first week. Only what passes through the hoop of love is good. Love constrains me.

Let’s say it this way…

Chris, why don’t you cheat on your wife with other women? You have the power and ability to do that without anyone even knowing? Do you not do that because Sara has made a rule that I can’t? No the reason I don’t have sexual affairs outside of marriage is that I have a love that constrains my actions.

Chris, why don’t you steal? You have the power and ability to do that without anyone even knowing? Do you not steal because God has made a law that says though shalt not steal? No the reason I don’t steal is because I have a love that constrains my actions.

2 Corinthians 5:14 (NIV2011) For Christ’s love constrains (kjv) us, because we are convinced that one died for all…

2 Corinthians 5:15 (NIV2011) And he died for all, that those who live should no longer live for themselves but for him who died for them and was raised again.

Because Jesus loves me and died for me, I no longer live for myself. I live for Jesus.

Because Jesus loves and died for others, I no longer live for myself. I live for others.

I don’t know any other force on the earth that can bring this change, other than the love of Jesus. Love is greater than power.

2 Corinthians 5:16 (NIV2011) So from now on we regard no one from a worldly point of view…

The hierarchy that we use to assign value, we no longer regard others from that worldly point of view.

My value is assigned by the love of Jesus on the cross.

The value assigned to others has been assigned by the love of Jesus on the cross.

Your ranking is high! Jesus dies for you!


Have you been focusing on the love of power or the power of love?

Do you understand that God loves you? Are you letting that love change you?

God give me a love that constrains me to only live out love.

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