Future Family 1 – Your Future Family Needs Saving

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

Everyone has a Future.
Everyone has a Family.
Everyone has a Future Family.
We have some secret information about your future family that will change everything. Your Future Family will face trouble, heartache, loss.. Your future family needs saving.
The key to saving the future is the Present.

Future Family 1 – Your Future Family Needs Saving from Redemption Church on Vimeo.


Future Family 1 – Your Future Family Needs Saving

Sermon notes by Chris Fluitt

Redemption Church Plano Tx

Future Family Bumper
Happy Father’s Day! If you are a dad we great you on this day. We encourage everyone to reach out to their father and honor them today.
The world needs dads!
I am thankful to be a dad. I want to introduce to you Joshua Harley Fluitt. He was born July 18th weighing 7 lbs 15 oz. Sarah and I thank you for praying for us.
We are starting a new Sermon Series today called Future Family
Today is going to be introductory. You might leave today with more questions than answers. So please come back for the rest of the series.
Series Outline
Week 2 – future marriage
Week 3 – future kids
Week 4 – Your future
Make plans to be here for the rest of this series.  Invite the people you care about to come with you. Share the Word with them online.
You have a future
If you live the next second, minute, hour, day, month, years… you have a future.  It is very likely that the sun will rise again in the future.
And your future is important. If it is decades from now or the next moment. Your future matters!
The saddest people on earth are the ones that live like they have no future.  So live like your future is important.
God’s plan for you includes a future.
Jeremiah 29:11 For I know the plans I have for you,” declares the LORD, “plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.(NIV)
You have a future
Even if you die you still have a future.

  1. Eternal life

If you believe in the Bible you should believe in eternal life. You should believe that after you die it is not the end, but that you will spend eternity in one of two places – Heaven or Hell.
So even if your physical earthly future ended right now, you still have an eternal spiritual future.
Matthew 25:46 “Then they will go away to eternal punishment, but the righteous to eternal life.”(NIV)
Daniel 12:2 Multitudes who sleep in the dust of the earth will awake: some to everlasting life, others to shame and everlasting contempt.(NIV)
Do you know where your eternal future lies?
Maybe you aren’t sure about the Bible. Maybe you outright reject the Bible as anything more than a story book.  You reject the idea of an eternal life after this life… well there is still a way that you have a future… So listen up.

  1. Your choices and influence live on

If you died right now. You drew your final breath.. the choices you made still have a future.
There could be some good decisions you made that will affect the lives of others. Maybe you made good choices with money investment and you made a will, you made plans, dictating how it should be spent.  The choice you made still has a future.
Maybe the advice you gave to others still lives on. Maybe a memory of you brings a smile to some ones face, a laughter to a group of people as they say “do you remember the time…”  Maybe someone thinks of the life you lived and they find encouragement and strength to face their battles.
You know what I am talking about. You have loved ones who have gone the way of the grave, but your future is still impacted by them today.
Even if you are placed into a casket… the life you live right now has a future beyond the grave.  
Isn’t it powerful that death can’t erase your future?
Now I gave you some good examples of future… but there are some bad ones also.  The choices you make right now can also negatively affect the future.  Your example could negatively impact from beyond the grave.
I knew a woman who wouldn’t hardly miss a church service. Come Sunday she was there with her Bible and a song in her heart… but she would miss on Mother’s day. She was not visiting her mother… she was missing Church because her memories of her mom were full of hurt. She couldn’t bear a service that thanked God for our mother.
Even though her mom was far from being in her life… that mom still had a future in this woman’s life.
You have a future. A physical future. A spiritual Eternal future. And the future that is brought on from the life you lived.
You have a family
You had a mom and dad.  You may have sisters and brothers, aunts and uncles, cousins.  People that share your genetic heredity.   But family goes beyond shared genetic makeup.
Even if you never knew your birth parents.. Even if you are the last surviving member of your biological family… you still have a family.
Family – People you share your life with
The people you share your triumph and heartbreak with – that is your family.
Family is not limited to dna matching.
You that are sitting here in church today, do you realize that the people in this room who share your burdens and rejoice with you in the good times… do you realize you are here with family?
Ephesians 2:19 Consequently, you are no longer foreigners and aliens, but fellow citizens with God’s people and members of God’s household,(NIV)
You have a future
You have a family
You have a future family
Do you ever try to think what your family will look like in the future?

  • What will our kids look as adults? How will they act?
  • What will my marriage be like in the future?
  • What about your friends and church family?  What does the future hold for them?
  • What part will I play in the future? When I reach the end will I have regrets?

You have a future family  , but more than that I have to tell you.
Your future family needs saving
One of my favorite movie series is back to the future. A quintessential 1980s film. We showed you the clip at the beginning of this sermon where Doc Brown (played by Christopher Loyd) shows up in his delorean time machine and warns Marty (played by Michael J Fox).
“Marty! Your kids are in trouble.”   His future family is in some sort of danger and they go to help them avoid their future calamity.
I like this scene for way too many reasons… Really the only thing to change this scene is the information that their future family was in trouble.  They would have just gone on with their lives.. Jennifer and Marty were going to drive the truck around… But it is the knowledge that Doc Brown shared with them…
Now we don’t have a dolorean time traveling in here today with a bolt of lightning… but I am here to tell you that your future family is in trouble.  Your future family will face…

  • Character issues
  • Discipline and money problems
  • Unforeseen crisis and heartache and loss
  • Your future family will struggle with faith

I am offering you a scene change today by sharing knowledge… Jesus told us this knowledge…
John 16:33 “I have told you these things, so that in me you may have peace. In this world you will have trouble. But take heart! I have overcome the world.”(NIV)
We hope for the best, but trouble is coming to our future family.  But you have an opportunity to save your future family RIGHT NOW.
The key to the future is the present
When it comes to future problems we often overlook the present. We say “we will cross that bridge when we get there.. no need to worry now.”  Don’t wait for the future trouble to happen. It is often to late then, but instead do something now.
2 Corinthians 6:2 For he says, “In the time of my favor I heard you, and in the day of salvation I helped you.” I tell you, now is the time of God’s favor, now is the day of salvation.(NIV)
As many times as I have read that verse it has never said yesterday was the day of salvation. It has never said tomorrow is the day of salvation.  It always reads TODAY, right now, this very moment, is the day of salvation.
The key is the present.
You could save your future family if you would..

  • Have that conversation you’ve been needing to have now
  • Change your unhealthy habits and character mis-steps.
  • Start being PRESENT in your home.
  • Be the role model God has called you to be.
  • Pray!
  • Worship!
  • Read God’s Word!

We are often too busy struggling with the present problems to save the future.
Story of Williams Birth
I don’t know what troubles are coming to your future family… but they are coming. I am going to give you a chance to do something about it. We are going to take time to talk to God.  This is your opportunity to do something.
We talked about eternal life today.  Do you know that you are saved? Do you know that your future is in heaven?