Born for This 2 – Formed for His Family


You were born not only to do good works, but God has purposed you to be in his family. God has a family that he treasures. You are the desire of God’s heart. Even if you don’t have an earthly family, God wants you to be a part of his spiritual family. Would you like to be a part of his family today?

You are at Redemption Church in Plano Tx! Welcome everyone meeting with us in-person, and a big hello to everyone tuning in online. We have many ways to tune in, Facebook live, YouTube, Podcasts, Spotify,… However you found us, welcome! My name is Chris Fluitt and I am excited to share the Word of God with you today.

Born for This

We are in the 2nd week of our sermon series – Born for this.

Mark Twain once said, “The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.”

Last week we talked about our “WHY.”  You were created to Love and Know God.

You were Born to Know & Love God

Every day we should seek to know God more and love God better.  Every decision, every calling, every other purpose should flow out of this top priority – Know God & Love God. You were born for this.

Today I want to tell you that you were formed for His family.

Formed for His Family

Ephesians 1:5 (NLT) God decided in advance to adopt us into his own family by bringing us to himself through Jesus Christ. This is what he wanted to do, and it gave him great pleasure.

God wants you in His family.

Whether you are married or unmarried, dating or not dating, God means for you not to be alone.

Your spiritual family outlasts your physical family.

1 Peter 1:3 (Living Bible) …for it is his boundless mercy that has given us the privilege of being born again so that we are now members of God’s own family.


Just because you are physically born does not mean you have a family.  Some people are born and put in orphanages.  There are those who are born, but never know their mothers or fathers. You can be born, but you are not part of a family until someone loves you as their own.

It is possible to be born but not have a family.

So it is, with God’s family.  Not everyone is a part of God’s family. This is important to hear!  Not everyone is a part of God the Father’s family, just like not everyone born physically has a father and mother.

Here is what I am saying…
Everyone is created by God.
Everyone is loved by God.
Everyone is invited into God’s family.

YET NOT EVERYONE has chosen to come into the family of God.

Scripture calls God’s family an adoption.  It is possible to reject God as your adopted father.


Are you a part of the family of God?

You need to know the answer to this question today.


What is the family of God?
Republicans or democrats?
Upper class, middle class, or lower class?
American, Canadian, Mexican?
White, black, brown or some shade of skin color?

1 Timothy 3:15 (NCV) That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth.

The Church is God’s Family

The Church is not a political movement, organization, institution, business, society, or country club. The Church is the Family of God.

God’s purpose for your life is NOT just know Him & love Him, but to also BELONG TO HIS FAMILY.

I have heard people say, “I belong to such and such church.”  Let me correct this.  You do not belong to a church. You belong to God. You don’t belong to a denomination you belong to God.

You are part of His church/His family, but you belong to God.

One Christian says, “I belong to First Baptist.”
One Christian says, “I belong to First Methodist”
One Christian says, “I belong to 7th day Adventist”

And none of them realize they belong to God… or that the other Christian is in the same family of God!

Please do not say, “I belong to Redemption Church.” Redemption Church did not die on a cross for you. Redemption Church did not pour out its sinless blood for you.  Redemption Church did not save you and fill you with the Holy Spirit.  ONLY GOD COULD DO THAT!  YOU BELONG TO GOD.

1 Timothy 3:15 (NCV) That family is the church of the living God, the support and foundation of the truth.

The Church is the support and foundation of the truth. The Church is not THE TRUTH… The Truth is a person.  Jesus HIMSELF is the Truth! He is the way, the truth, and the life. (John 14:6)

The Church is the support and foundation.

What happens to a building without a support and foundation? It collapses.

Take a look at the world around you and you will see…
-Collapsed marriages
-Collapsed economies
-Collapsed dreams
-Collapsed businesses
-Collapsed health

We live in a world that is lacking the support and foundation of God’s family, the Church.
If you are trying to live without the support and foundation of God’s family, you are not going to make it through the tough times.

You want to succeed in life?  Listen to this.

You cannot succeed on your own

The creator created you to belong to others in a family. We are better together. We were designed to live in harmony with brothers and sisters.  We are to carry burdens together and rejoice with one another.

You don’t have to go things alone if you have a family.

Stop trying to do it all on your own.  Go to your spiritual family and ask for…

Do you recognize your spiritual family? Look around you. Look at your connect group.

I am praying that our connect groups multiply in this next quarter. I pray that our groups become more than a midweek get-together and become a spiritual family.

Some of you are not a part of a connect group. I am praying that you will hear me today and join a group today.

When you need help you should…
-Call on God
-Call on your pastor
-Call on your connect group

The Church, the Spiritual family is your Support and Foundation!


1 Peter 2:17b (Message) Love your spiritual family.

Do you love your spiritual family?  Are you spending time with your family? Serving your family? Praying for and encouraging your family?



You were Born to Love Others

In the first week I told you that you aren’t ready for heaven.  Earth is practice and the real performance stage is Heaven. 

We will not practice loving God in Heaven… we practice on Earth!

We will not practice loving others in Heaven… we practice on Earth!


How and where do we practice loving others?  In God’s family. In HIS Church.

Business does not teach you how to love others.
Middle School did not teach you how to love others.
Sports doesn’t teach you how to love others.
Politics does not teach you how to love others.

The Church is where we practice and perfect this Godly purpose of love.

We are practicing right now…
When we pray together…
When we gather in homes and small groups…
When we fellowship together…
When we answer the phone call and say “Yes. Let me grab my coat and I’ll be right over” …
When you reach into your wallet and share…


I don’t really need a Church, I just get alone in nature.

It is true that nature points towards the creator. The heavens declare God’s glory (Psalm 19:1). It is true you can lay down on the grass and look at the night’s sky and be overwhelmed with how small you are and how big Your God is. These moments can absolutely draw you close to God… but do you know what they can’t help you do?

You can’t learn to love others by being alone in nature

You do need the Church if you are ever to accomplish what you were born for.  You were born for relationship.  You were born to serve and to be served. You were born to help and be helped.

You need your brothers and sisters.  You need to learn to love them.  They need to learn to love you.  This is what you were born for!

I remember at a young age telling God… “God I love you, but I hate people. I’ll just live for you and shut out all the people.”  I really thought that sounded like something God would appreciate. The fact I wanted God is all that matters right?

Imagine my surprise when I felt the Lord say, “I died for those people, too.  I love those people. It is not ok for you to hate the people I love.”  I had to repent of my hatred. I needed to love my spiritual family.


Love real people… not ideal people

Love people who are difficult.
Love people who are trouble.
Love people who struggle.
Love people who are different.
Love people right where they are.

“To live above with the saints we love, oh that will be a glory… to live below with the saints we know well, that’s another story!” -unknown

You don’t learn love in heaven, where it is perfect. We learn love here, where it is difficult.

Romans 12:5 (NLT) We are many parts of one body, and we all belong to each other.

You were Born to Know & Love God

You were Born to Love Others


Are you fulfilling your God given purpose?
Are you actively loving your spiritual family? Have you been absent from serving your brothers & sisters?

Are you a part of the family of God? God wants you in His family. Let’s make it official today. Come join this family.


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