Apostles’ Creed: Christian Essentials – A New Series From Redemption Church Of Plano

Scott FaneNews, Sermons

Creed–  A formal statement of Christian beliefs. A set of beliefs or aims that guide someone’s actions.
You need an answer to the following 2 questions.

  1. Are you a believer?  Yes?  Good answer!! 
  2. What do you believe?   Well…?

For nearly 2 millennia these 2 questions have been answered as people reflect on the Apostles’ Creed.
The Creed is not meant to replace Scripture.  Authority is found in God’s word, not belief statements or denominational traditions. Rather, the creed is meant to reflect Scripture.
Within the Apostles creed we find the essentials for being a Christian.  Reciting or memorizing the creed will not make you a Christian, but becoming acquainted with the Truth reflected in the Creed will bring you into a relationship with God and other believers.
Join us this November as we look deeper into our faith.
We want to all be able to answer the question “What do you believe?”
We will be covering the following subjects weekly

  1. I believe in the Father
  2. I believe in Jesus Christ
  3. I believe in the Holy Spirit
  4. I believe in the Church