Terrell Wooden – What Are We Living For


  What Are We Living For – Pastor Terrell Wooden   Scripture referenced during sermon   16 And the Lord God commanded the man, saying, Of every tree of the garden thou mayest freely eat: … Read More

Power Up! – 3 – Kratos


Power Up 3 – Kratos Dominion Redemption Church Plano, Tx Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano, Tx. We are glad to have you with us for our new series.   We are in the 3rd … Read More

Power Up! – 2 – Exousia


Power Up – Exousia Authority Redemption Church Plano Tx Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. We are glad to have you with us for our new series.   There are so many ways to … Read More

Overcoming Evil


Overcoming Evil Redemption Church Plano Tx Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. We are glad to have you with us for our new series. Evil exists Evil – bad nature, primary word meaning worthless … Read More

Power Up! – 1 – Dynamis


Power Up – Power   Redemption Church Plano Tx Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano, Tx. We are glad to have you with us for our new series.   Have you ever felt drained? Not … Read More

Lord of ALL


Lord of ALL Redemption Church Plano Tx Welcome back to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. We exist to Love God, Grow Faith, Serve Others, and Go change the world. My name is Chris Fluitt and … Read More