Twenty Twenty ONE – One


You might think that the number 7 is the most important number because it’s God’s perfect number – however, we see many of the same numbers repeatedly throughout the bible. One is the most important … Read More

Crazy Christmas 2 – Crazy Travel


Christmas travel is Crazy! You may have your own stories of long distance, weather conditions, jammed airports, and filled automobiles. Perhaps just the mention of Christmas travel makes your blood pressure rise, well you may … Read More

Crazy Christmas 1 – Crazy Family


The Christmas season is crazy enough, but we are all pretty sure that Christmas 2020 is going to be a little crazier than normal. Health scares, lockdowns, financial struggle, political stress, social distance… Are you … Read More

Full 5 – Peace Full


Are you “Peace Full?” Our God is the Lord of Peace! His children should be children of peace! Are you full of peace? Why not? We need to understand God’s definition of peace and then … Read More

Full 4 – Joy Full


Everyone wants joy, but few people are full of joy. The life of a christian shhould be full of joy. We may be seeking the wrong kind of joy, that is fleeting and has dimminishing … Read More

Full 3 – Grace Full


God gives grace, and this is central to our faith in Jesus Christ. This graceful Jesus commands us to show grace to those around us. Are we “Grace Full?” Do we understand what grace is … Read More

Full 2 – Mercy Full


God has prepared a table filled with good things. He expects you partake of his mercy and become MERCY FULL. We need to understand what mercy is and that it comes from God and other … Read More

Full 1 – Thank Full


This Thanksgiving the average person will eat 3000 calories before they start into dessert. With a spread table, it makes no sense to remain empty. God has prepared a table and He invites you to … Read More

Deal with the Devil 4 – Get behind me satan


He is called serpent, liar, murderer, beast, dragon… perhaps you have heard of the devil, BUT do you know the devil’s secret identity? We should be observant enough to notice a talking snake or fire … Read More