Easter – Back to life

info@redemption-church.comEaster, Sermons

Death is a terrible thing. No-one wants to face death. Maybe you have dead things in your past, or sin in your life. However, Jesus Christ has overcome death, hell and the grave – so … Read More

Palm Sunday – King for a day?

info@redemption-church.comEaster, Sermons

Do you know about Palm Sunday? Do you know the day Jesus was king, but only for a day? Join us as Pastor Chris Fluitt preaches a challenging message about choosing Christ as king every … Read More

It took too long to realize 3 – His Voice


Would you recognize your mom’s voice? What about your spouse or best friend? One might question your relationship if you did not recognize their voice. Would you recognize God’s voice? Jesus says his followers know … Read More

Be Mine – Valentines Day

info@redemption-church.comSermons, valentines day

God loves you! God gives you a Valentine invitation – Be Mine! God expresses his love for us in many different ways, but the greatest demonstration of his love is that while we were yet … Read More

Twenty – Twenty ONE 4 – One Marriage


One is the most important number in God’s Word. The power of the number extends all the way into your marriage. GOD is one, he wants you to be one with your spouse! Pastor Chris … Read More