Urgent & Confident


Welcome everyone to Redemption Church in Plano Tx. My name is Chris Fluitt & I am glad to be here with everyone in the room and everyone joining us online. We have worshipped together.We are … Read More



We take freedom for granted. In America, we are free to worship God, preach the gospel, and live our faith, free from persecution. Much of the world does not share that same reality. All over … Read More

Lead like Jesus 5 – Legacy of a Leader


You are creating a legacy whether you realize it or not. The trivial decisions you make every day, determine how you will be remembered after you pass on. Those you follow after you will look … Read More

Lead like Jesus 4 – Habits of a Leader


Leadership is influence. Influence means to flow in to. In our first sermon in this series, we told you that Jesus is the greatest leader of all time. He flows into us, giving us a … Read More

Lead like Jesus 3 – Head of a Leader


Mindset is everything. Successful leaders set their head straight before taking on a new goal, PR, or organizational project. Surgeons have to have a mindset of peace, focus, and care. Leadership takes a certain mindset; … Read More

Lead like Jesus 2 – Hands of a Leader


Which finger of yours is the leader of the pack? Is it the pointer finger? The thumb is the most important of them all. Without the thumb, you wouldn’t have a hand. To be a … Read More

Lead like Jesus 1 – Heart of a Leader


Leadership is an important part of our lives. From our parents teaching us how to succeed in school, to managing our finances – leadership is vital. Many successful people would try to sell you a … Read More

Back to Life 5 – Dead or Alive


It can be difficult to tell whether a plant is dead or alive. It can look great from a distance, but up close it’s barely there. There might be some dead branches clinging on to … Read More

Back to Life 4 – Determined to Live


What if I told you you could receive a message straight from God, see an endless supplies of miracles, and still be quick to give up? It happened in scripture. If we aren’t determined to … Read More

Back to Life 3 – Cross Over


Jesus Christ told us that we can “cross over from death to life.” Sounds great right? As we study God’s Word we read of an important moment where a bunch of homeless slaves crossed over … Read More

Back to life – Eternal life NOW!


Jesus is the resurrection and the life! Jesus wants you to have life.. not just a slightly better life… not just a fuller life.. not just a longer life… all of this is true, but … Read More