Born for This 1 – Find the Why


God wants you to find the purpose that he has for you in your life. God has good things planned to bless you and to bless others around you. We often celebrate the day that … Read More

How to Love 2 – Devoted and Honored


When love is demonstrated, it is all in. Love is not partially committed, it is fully committed for service. Love should always honor all. Love does not dishonor. When we dishonor God, we are not … Read More

How to love 3 – A love that works


Hello to everyone worshipping with us in person, and hello to everyone worshipping with us online. We are Redemption Church in Plano Texas. My name is Chris Fluitt and we are in the 3rd week … Read More

How to love – 1 – Sincerely


Do you know what love really is? God showed us his true love for us, by sending Jesus to die for us sinners. God calls us to love others – but how? God calls us … Read More

1st TH1NGS F1RST 4 – Dedication


You have almost survived the first month of 2022. You have also almost survived your first sermon series of 2022. We have been talking about First Things First. Week 1 Build an Altar first Week … Read More

F1rst Things F1rst – 3 – Opposition


Opposition always shows up at the wrong time. No matter the kind of good work you are doing, or people you are helping, or the cause you are serving for, there will always be opposition. … Read More

F1rst Thnigs F1rst 2 – Foundation


Before you build a building, you must lay a foundation. Anything that is not built upon a foundation is doomed to fail, it’s just a matter of time. Anything that is built upon the rock … Read More