Fierce Love 1 – The Love of a Warrior


Welcome to Redemption Church in Plano Tx! My name is Chris Fluitt.

What is Love?

This is an important question. Love defines our highest ideals. The life we imagine, the life we dream to have, is a life filled with love.

Although I think we could all agree on the importance of love, I get the feeling that our world may have different answers to the question “what is love?”

Our culture displays false concepts of love or distorts it in popular movies and stories.
-Love is good feelings
-Love is a good life
-Love is a physical attraction
-Love is a well-written line in a movie from someone with a low body fat percentage in the pouring down rain… to another character with a low body fat percentage… and then they kiss.
-Love is light, easy, and a fun party.

Over the next weeks I want to tell you about a love that is not so easy going. I want to tell you about a love…

…that does not diminish in times of pain, but in times of pain, reveals its true depth.
…that is not produced from a good life, but a love that produces a good life.
…that goes beyond physical attraction into the heart, mind, soul, and spirit.
…that doesn’t always know what to say like a clever line from a movie, but doesn’t have to say a word to communicate a deep love that goes beyond words and is revealed through action.
…that is not light, but manages to carry every burden.
…that is not easy, but doesn’t complain in difficulty because you are worth it every difficulty.
…that does not just arrive for the fun party and leave when it is over, but is constant through difficulty, heartache, and loss.

I want to preach over the next weeks about Fierce Love

Fierce Love

I want you to understand that real love is not a gentle & fragile non-combatant… but a bold warrior that is willing to fight.

The world has misunderstandings about love.. Mainly sensual.
In the Christian faith we may have our own misunderstandings about love… Our view of love may be a little weak.

It wouldn’t FEEL loving to say the hard truth to that person that is destroying their life. So we stay silent.
It wouldn’t FEEL loving to demand change in a world gone mad.
It wouldn’t FEEL loving to fight the people who are harming others in my vicinity.
It wouldn’t FEEL loving to talk to my kids about their choices in relationships.

Real love is fierce. Real love is willing to fight.  Real love beats from the heart of a warrior.

Have you meat warrior Jesus?

Warrior Jesus

Rambo has nothing on Jesus.
Die Hard, John McLane has nothing on Jesus.
Combine all of Arnold Schwarzenegger’s roles… Predator, Terminator Jingle all the way… He has nothing on Warrior Jesus.

Your Jesus is a warrior!

  • He defended helpless people. He stared the Pharisees in the eye and said “let the one without sin cast the first stone.” And those Pharisees retreated. (John 8)

  • Jesus was in His hometown of Nazareth and His message made the people so angry that they tried to kill Jesus by throwing Him off a cliff.  It says they drove Jesus all the way to the cliff… But then something happened… Your Bible doesn’t really explain it, it simply says “But He walked through the crowd and went on His way.” Something happened and that crowd decided we don’t want any part of this fierce warrior.  (Luke 4)

  • He stared demons in the eye and cast them out with the sound of His voice. (Mark 5)
  • He stared satan himself in the eye, and 3 times defeated satan with the Word of God. (Matthew 4)
  • In the Garden of Gethsemane Jesus won the battle over self and surrendered the Father’s plan to save us. It was not easy. It was a battle. He sweated giant drops of blood. (Luke 22)
  • He faced the Pharisees at an unjust court, he stood before Pilate in silence, He was beaten beyond recognition… He never gave up! He never complained!  He withstood it all. Our Jesus is a Warrior!
  • He went to the Cross! He bore nails in His hands & feet. He surrendered His life  & blood & Water flowed from His side.  And it looked like weakness… but really Jesus was winning a victory that no one could have ever won…
  • Jesus went to the grave and defeated the grave. Jesus died and defeated death. Jesus went to hell and defeated hell!

And in Revelation we have a picture of this Warrior Jesus who is returning to Earth! His hair is white like wool, His eyes like blazing fire! His feet like bronze glowing in a furnace and His voice like the sound of roaring rapids of water! Coming out of His mouth is a sharp 2-edged sword. His face shined like the sun. (Rev 1)

Jesus is riding on a white horse and with justice he wages war. On his head are many crowns! He is dressed in a robe that is dipped in blood!  The armies of heaven follow Him! On His robe & Thigh is this KING OF KINGS & LORD OF LORDS!

Jesus is a warrior!  Jesus is not weak!  He is a conqueror and His love is fierce!

Warrior and Love are not antonyms. The terms warrior & love are not at odds with each other.

Zephaniah 3:17 (NIV) The Lord your God is with you, the Mighty Warrior who saves. He will take great delight in you; in his love he will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.” 

The Lord your God is a Mighty Warrior!  He is willing to fight!
Yet in the same verse it declares that this same Mighty Warrior is loving. “He will take great delight in you; in His love He will no longer rebuke you, but will rejoice over you with singing.”

Warrior Jesus

Jesus fights but not out of hatred.  Jesus fights for love. He uses all His strength to show love. He is full of compassion & mercy and also full of strength & courage.

We are made in His image and likeness! (Genesis 1)

Love like a Warrior

It is time for your love to be more than a feeling!  Your love needs to be bold, brave, fearless, and willing to fight.

Jesus knew when to turn the other cheek and when to turn a table over. He did both out of love! Jesus knew when to show grace and when to show mercy.

Men & Women of God I challenge you to love like a warrior.

Don’t be afraid. Be full of faith & go win.
Let’s turn our weakness into strength!

Your marriage needs a warrior!
Your home needs a warrior!
Your community, neighborhood, church need a warrior!  Love like a warrior!

Every warrior needs 3 things

1 someone to protect

If a warrior is not protecting out of love, they may be abusing & destroying out of hate.

If you are going to be the warrior that God has called you to be, then you need to have someone to protect.

In the story of Nehemiah there was a city without walls. The city of Jerusalem was completely open to the attack of enemies and the enemies were planning on killing these defenseless people.  In this desperate situation, look what Nehemiah says.

Nehemiah 4:14 (NIV) After I looked things over, I stood up and said to the nobles, the officials and the rest of the people, “Don’t be afraid of them. Remember the Lord, who is great and awesome, and fight for your families, your sons and your daughters, your wives and your homes.” 

Don’t be afraid!  Remember the Lord!  AND FIGHT!  Fight for your families, your sons & daughters, your wives & your homes.

The call that there was someone to protect, turned ordinary farmers into warriors.

The realization that there is someone to protect can transform an unassuming person into a warrior. Just let someone try to break into your home at night with your children vulnerable… and watch you transform into a warrior that willing to fight to the death to protect your family.

There is someone to protect! Do you hear me warriors?

Husband’s & Wives, Mom’s & Dad’s you have someone to protect. Protect your children! Protect your spouse!

  • Protect physically. (abuse)
  • Protect emotionally (financial security)
  • Protect spiritually (Lead people to Jesus. Not control but protect)

2 Samuel 10:12 (NIV) Be strong, and let us fight bravely for our people and the cities of our God. The Lord will do what is good in his sight.” 

1 someone to protect

Every warrior needs 3 things… #1 Someone to protect.

2 a kingdom to advance

A warrior does more than defend. A warrior wins. A warrior advances a kingdom.

Jesus has entrusted you to advance His Kingdom. And do you know His Kingdom is?

Romans 14:17 (NIV) For the kingdom of God is not a matter of eating and drinking, but of righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Spirit, 

You are a warrior in God’s Kingdom!  Advance the Kingdom!

Ephesians 2:10 (NIV) For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. 

God has given you strengths & abilities to use in advancing His Kingdom.

Business – Go be the best business person. Win at business.  Do it not through worldly practices of cheating and greed.  Do it with righteousness, peace, & joy.  Live a generous life!

Heart for kids & ability to connect – Advance God’s kingdom. Volunteer, spend time, listen…

Creative talent – Use your gift to lead others in worship. Create beauty that leads others into the Kingdom.

Prayer – invisible warrior

You have a calling Are you engaged in your calling?

If you are not engaged in your calling you will end up fighting against your calling.

A distracted warrior becomes a destructive warrior.

If you don’t engage in your marriage you will end up fighting against marriage.

If you don’t engage in your relationship with God you will end up fighting against God.

If you don’t engage with authority in your life you will end up fighting against all the authority in your life.

2 a kingdom to advance

You have a Kingdom to advance, but if you become distracted, if you fail to engage with your calling you will end up fighting against your Kingdom calling.

Do not surrender your calling.  It is your calling. God created you to do good works that He has prepared in advance!

Psalm 144:1 (NIV) …Praise be to the Lord my Rock, who trains my hands for war, my fingers for battle. 

1 someone to protect

2 a kingdom to advance

3 a battle to win

Every one of us has a battle in our life. Every one of us has a struggle.

God did not call you to a playground but a battleground.

Ephesians 6:12 (NIV) For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly realms. 

We are called NOT to battle people.. flesh & blood.
We are called to battle rulers, authorities, powers of a dark world, and spiritual forces of evil in heavenly realms.
We are called to this! Are we doing it? We have a battle to win! We are called to win the victory today!

Victory today

Victory does not start later… it starts now… today!

Victory for David did not start when he was crowned King of Israel or when He slew Goliath… It started the moment he obediently brought lunch to his brothers.

Jesus did not just win the victory the day He rose from the dead. Jesus was winning the victory every day… When He walked on water… when he withstood Satan… when He surrendered in the Garden.

Victory is not something later… victory is now.

What is your battle? Win it today

Porn – Your victory doesn’t start when you haven’t looked at porn for 10 years.  It starts when you repent & resist today.

Health – Victory is not after you lost 30, 50, 100 pounds. There is a victory to win today when you push that form away.

Debt – Victory doesn’t start when you ay off that last credit card. It starts today when you take control of your spending TODAY!

Addiction – You have a victory to win today.
Temper – You have a victory to win today.
Depression – You have a victory to win today.

Ephesians 6:13-14 (NIV) Therefore put on the full armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand.  Stand firm!

Listen up warrior!  You have a battle to win today! You can win the battle right now!

Fierce Love


Are there any bold warriors in this place?  Is there anyone here that understands they are fiercly loved by God and that He has called them into a great purpose?

Every warrior needs 3 things…
1 someone to protect.
2 a kingdom to advance
3 a battle to win