Search Engine Series # 2



Hello and welcome to Redemption Church! We are in the second week of our question and answer series called “search engine.” In this series we will be answering your anonymous questions live, so be sure to send in some questions to our anonymous text line at 214 856 0550.

Questions & timestamps

  • 2:30 When someone’s baptized for the remission of sins, does that include forgiveness for future sins or do you have to ask for forgiveness for future sin?
  • 7:00 How do I find comfort and peace when I have lost a loved one to death?
  • 14:45 If speaking in tongues is the bare minimum, what is the max?
  • 19:20 Describe the Judgement Seat of Christ, please. Where is it?
  • 26:30 Eve is confronted by the serpent in the Garden. Is this actually Satan? Has the war in Heaven already happened at that time? (Rev 12)
  • 38:58 When you overcome a particular sin, is it something you ever fully overcome or is it something you have to keep fighting?
  • 40:00 Why did Paul say this about baptism? For Christ sent me not to baptize, but to preach the gospel: not with wisdom of words, lest the cross of Christ should be made of none effect.
  • 49:00 What is blasphemy of the HG?
  • 56:58 What is the sin unto death?