Limitless 6: Limited Double Minded Trajectory

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

­Limitless 6: Limited Double Minded Trajectory

You ever make plans and not follow through? You aren’t alone. No judgments.
Plans are important. Goals and dreams are important! They aren’t just important to you… they are actually important to God!
We need to form a plan and then live out a trajectory that fulfills the plan. Too often we have a trajectory that takes us away from the plan or wastes time through procrastination.
Scripture tells us that a “double-minded man is unstable in all his ways.” When we have a mind for our goal but a daily trajectory that steps in other directions, it is a double minded mess.
Are you ready to repent of your double minded trajectory and see a fulfilled plan in your life?

My Name is Chris Fluitt! And this is Redemption Church of Plano Tx. Greetings to everyone in the room and all watching and listening online. I hope you are ready to receive the word of God.


I want you to remember that we serve a Limitless God. He has created you in His image. He has placed limitless potential within you.
Yet we can develop habits that will place limits upon our life.


The difference between a limitless or limited life can be as simple as a small decision.


Last week we talked about the comparison trap. Do not compare yourself to the HOUSE or the MOUSE. Instead, compare yourself to who you were yesterday.


Continuing with this thought I want to warn about limiting yourself with Double Minded Trajectory.


A trajectory is a line of development towards an outcome.
If I was to throw an object, the space between it leaving my hand and landing would form a trajectory. The trajectory of the object as it flies through space actually decides where the object will end up. Trajectory decides the end result.
Last week we told you to compare yourself to who you were yesterday. These 2 points, yesterday & today, form a trajectory. It reveals a path. By paying attention to this trajectory we can better understand where our life will end up.


A successful life has goals. We have these “end result” goals we want to attain.
Some people make 5, 10, or 15-year plans. They decide they want to accomplish a number of goals. We make plans to…

  • Have a successful marriage.
  • Be healthy.
  • Own a home.
  • Complete our education.
  • Start a business.
  • Pay off our debt.
  • Do meaningful things for God.

God cares about the plans you have for your life.
Psalm 37:4 (NIV2011) Take delight in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.
Psalm 37:5 (NIV2011) Commit your way to the Lord; trust in him and he will do this:
Proverbs 16:3 (NIV2011) Commit to the Lord whatever you do, and he will establish your plans.
You aren’t the only one who cares about your plans! God cares! He wants to give you the desires of your heart. He wants to establish your plans.
Sometimes we have plans but we are embarrassed about them and what other people will think. PERHAPS the understanding that God loves your plan and wants to help you with it ought to give a little more courage.


Your plan to get from here to here is worthless without a trajectory.
Paying attention to your trajectory will bring you towards your achievement. Not paying attention to your trajectory could cause you to miss your achievement entirely.
It is not enough to form a plan. You must also form a correct trajectory.
James 1:8 (KJV) A double minded man is unstable in all his ways.
If you are forming a trajectory that moves you further from your completed goal, then you are double minded.
Double-minded (dipsychos dē’-psü-khos) means “divided in interest, wavering, doubting.”
When we claim to have an important goal, but we move towards some other end it is a divided interest. It is wavering on what is important. It is doubting that the goal is really worthwhile.. and placing interest on some other end.
A double minded person is UNSTABLE… (akatastatos ä-kä-tä’-stä-tos) and it means “restless and inconsistent.”
You see there is a good amount of rest and ease in moving in a planned direction with a good end. We sometimes equate rest to a lack of work… but it is actually restful to work towards a good end. A double minded person is unstable… inconsistent… restless and filled with anxiety. A double minded person does not know where their life is headed.


The decisions you make today will form a trajectory. You will either move towards your goal or you will move towards some other end.
There are so many lives that had a great purpose and plan, but one day they took an errant step away from their goal.
We take our decisions lightly. But the truth is that the drug user that became so addicted that they lost their marriage, kids, job, & home… They had a goal on the board just like you… but one day they made a decision that took them on a different trajectory.
I am an extreme personality. I thank God that I have never tried drugs… because what I do becomes habitual.
I decided I was going to work out. So I went out and signed up at a gym, I researched a workout routine, and I worked out 5 to 6 days a week for several months straight. And you might be saying to yourself “wow I wish I had an extreme personality to adopt a new lifestyle so quickly.”
But one day I had to stay home from the gym because I had a sick kid. Guess what happened the next day? I didn’t go to the gym again. The 3rd day I stayed home again. Because I missed one day, it formed a trajectory that I had to overcome. Extreme personalities especially need to carefully manage their decisions.
We are all one decision away from a destructive trajectory.
Be careful when you say…
I don’t think I am going to go to class today…
I am going to cheat this one time…
I am going to take it easy today and not try as hard today…
I think I won’t go to Church today… I won’t go to the altar and pray today… I am not going to push myself in worship today…
TAKE VERY SERIOUSLY your decision today, because it forms a trajectory.
There are stories of dangerous trajectories in the Bible… Cain, Samson, King Saul, King Agrippa… They made a choice one day and that decision affected their life way beyond the day they made the decision.


Having a positive goal while having a negative trajectory is being double minded.
One of your minds is set on the goal…
Your double mind is set on a different, often more pleasurable & easy trajectory, with no thought of the end this trajectory will take you.
We need a singular, focused mind. We need to keep a constant eye on the end goal and manage our efforts to lead us towards the goal.
You are limitless and can achieve any goal! But a bad trajectory will place limits on what you will accomplish.
We take the idea of “today” lightly. We believe that we will always have tomorrow. But if you look at this graph there is a limited amount of time.
It is scary to think about, but we must point out, that some people are counting on tomorrow but today is their last day. You do not have LIMITLESS TIME.
But even if you have tomorrow, you only have one shot at today.
NCAA College Basketball Coach John Wooden taught his UCLA Bruins teams how to win. They won 10 National Championships in 12 seasons, including 7 straight championships. John Wooden taught his players the value of “100%.”

100% JOHN WOODENlimitless

Give me 100 percent. You can’t make up for a poor effort today by giving 110 percent tomorrow. You don’t have 110 percent. You only have 100 percent, and that’s what I want from you right now.” – John Wooden
If you give less than your best today, it is a missed opportunity that can never be made up.
What would it look like for someone to try their best every day? To give 100% effort and never slack off? It would be very impressive. It would look limitless.
In the movie Rocky III, there is a great montage towards the beginning of the film. Rocky Balboa having won the championship in Rocky II is now a superstar. They also introduce a new challenger named Clubber Lang played by Mr. T. And they have this great montage of shots where Rocky is shooting commercials and signing autographs and Clubber Lang is furiously working out in what appears to be a dark dungeon. It sets up this idea that Rocky has lost “the eye of the tiger” and is no longer giving 100% to his boxing career, and juxtaposed to that it is all Clubber Lang can think about. Rocky is double minded and Clubber has a singular focus. *Spoiler Alert* Clubber beats the double-minded Rocky and Rocky has to retrain himself to give his best effort.
If you want to achieve limitless potential you need to push yourself to give 100%. Your dreams are too big to accomplish with a half-hearted trajectory! Give 100% today.
There is a major enemy to the limitless life. It looks like this.
I need to get to this goal, but our progress looks like a flat line. You know what limited progress over time is called?


  • You can do limitless things, but you do have limitations.
  • You can only give 100% today. That is a limitation.
  • You only have so much time. That is a limitation.

We have all felt the ease of kicking back and doing nothing followed by the terrified panic to at the last moment pull the work together to hit the deadline. That paper is due in the morning and you are suddenly trying to finish the book the night before… We know the taxes are due on April 15 each year… yet each year we are in a panic…


If you have the time and give the effort, you can accomplish limitless things. But when you spend time with little effort you have done yourself a great disservice.

KEEP TRACKlimitless

You need to be honest with yourself when you are not coming near your goal. You need to compare yourself today, to who you were yesterday, and you need the integrity to call yourself out for not accomplishing a slight edge. Accountability is a must!
Measurables are a big help. A few months ago I started using an app on my phone that keeps track of the weight I am lifting. It tells me how much weight I lifted and how many reps it was lifted the last time I was in the gym. And then it tells me what my personal best is… And that personal best is just sitting there in the middle of my screen, challenging me to best it.
There have been many times I have lifted planning only to lift the weight 12 reps, but when I got to the 12 rep there was something in the back of my mind that said “If you will just push it one more time you will have a new personal best.”
Although my muscles are fatigued, that voice that says “if you will just push it one more time” causes me to go further.
If I am not keeping track, then I don’t have a personal best. If I am just mindlessly going through the motions then I don’t have that voice pushing me to be better.
We need that voice that says “If you will just push it one more time…,” “If you will just keep trying…,” “You are so close to your all-time best.”
Often our path towards our goal is a mess. It is never a straight line. Our trajectory has ups and downs Our trajectory is filled with moments where we truly accomplish and then moments where we fall short.
There are some who struggle with…
Depression. One moment they are up and the next they are down.
Finances. Moments where we do well with our money and moments where everything breaks down at the same time.
Our Faith. There are moments where we are certain we can walk on water and other moments where we aren’t sure if we can get out of bed.
This looks like a hectic life. Some might say “Surely God is not in this life…” “This person will never amount to anything…”
I have a scripture for you.
Psalm 37:23 (KJV) The steps of a good man are ordered by the LORD: and he delighteth in his way.
We need to see the order in our steps.


Sometimes the order might just be that when we fell, we didn’t fall as low. When we soared we soared higher than before.
Sometimes you just need the order of… EVERY TIME I FALL, I GET BACK UP.
Micah 7:8 (KJV) Rejoice not against me, O mine enemy: when I fall, I shall arise; when I sit in darkness, the LORD shall be a light unto me.
These low places are embarrassing and disappointing… but I have found Jesus in these low places. I have found repentance and forgiveness in these low places.
I believe that there are ordered steps that will lead you to a place of prayer today. Is anyone ready to come talk to God today? Do you want to ask the Lord to come order your steps today?


What you do today forms a habit.
Have you been giving 100%?
Have you been procrastinating? Ask God to order your steps.