Jesus Loves Meme 4 – Y U NO Meme?

Pastor Chris FluittSermons

  1. What would you do if Jesus posted a meme and tagged you in it?

Well to our knowledge Jesus does not have an official social media account, but all the same, we found a meme that Jesus would definitely share.
Y U NO is a strange little meme with origins from 2002 and Manga comic book. The phrase “y u no” is a short way of asking “why don’t you?”
There are some things Jesus may ask each of us.. “why don’t you?”
Why don’t you love, forgive, pray? Why aren’t you willing and fully surrendered? Why won’t you tell your friends about me?
What would you do if Jesus tagged you in a Y U NO meme?

Jesus Loves Meme 4 – Y U NO Meme

Jesus Loves meme

Hello Redemption Church! Happy Palm Sunday. Hosanna! Blessed is He who comes in the name of the Lord!
Greetings to everyone here and everyone tuning in. Hello Facebook Live! Let us know you are here by leaving us a comment! Hello youtubers and podcast watchers and listeners. We love you and are happy to share the word of God with you.
We are in the 4th week of our Jesus Loves Meme sermon series. I sure have enjoyed this series.
A meme is an idea that is shareable. It often utilizes pictures and text. We have talked about the “Seems Legit” meme, the “also me” meme, and last week, the “Yo Dawg” meme.
Today I think Jesus might share this meme on all of our social media feeds. I think He would post this meme a lot. I think He would go to every Church’s facebook page and share this one. I think pastors would be tagged in the post. I really think Jesus would share this one with everyone.


jesus loves meme
The text ”Y U NO” is a suggestively shortened form of “why don’t you” or “why can’t you.” It is implied that “you are capable of doing ‘THIS’ so why don’t you do ‘THIS’”.
There is a very strange face on this meme… How would you describe the face on this meme? Ugly… Bothered… are the terms that come to my mind.
The face comes from somewhere else. It is copied and edited into the artwork. The face has its origin in a Manga. Manga is a Japanese comic book or graphic novel. This Y U NO meme took the face from a panel of a Manga and copied it into the meme.
This meme was gifted to us by the internet near 2002. Here are some examples of the Y U NO meme.

I TXT you… Y U NO TXT back?

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Onions… Y U make eyes water?

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Orange Juice… Y U NO taste good after I brush teeth?

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Fishie… Y U NO wake up?

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Girls who dye their hair… Y U NO do your eyebrows?

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This is a fairly well known meme. It has even been commercialized…

Y U NO use Hipchat?

jesus loves memeSo I thought I would use some Y U NO memes for us church folk…

Church people… Y U NO show up on time?

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Preacher… Y U NO preach shorter?

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Jesus is knocking at your door… Y U NO answer?

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Worship team… Y U NO play stairway to heaven?

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Televangelist who is always asking for money… Y U NO sell your Rolex?

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Jesus… Y U NO come quickly?!

jesus loves me
The idea of the meme is simple.

  • You are capable of doing “THIS” so why don’t you do “THIS”?
  • It would be good if you did “THIS” so why don’t you do “THIS”?
  • It would be helpful if you did “THIS” so why don’t you do “THIS”?

I think that if Jesus had an official social media account, He might share this meme. I think that He could “tag” all of us in one of these memes.
Y U NO Love?
jesus lovers meme
I know that there have been times in my life where Jesus would have tagged me in this meme.
As followers of Christ we are commanded to love. This is not optional.
John 13:34 (NIV2011) “A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another.
Love is nothing something Jesus suggests! Love is something Jesus commands!
Mark 12:31 (NIV2011) ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’
Luke 6:27 (NIV2011) “I say: Love your enemies, do good to those who hate you,”

  • John 13 says love one another
  • Mark 12 says love your neighbor
  • Luke 6 says love your enemies…

Redemption Church is there anyone you shouldn’t love? We should love everyone!
Y U NO Love?
And what is our standard of love? Is it…

  • Well I didn’t kill them?
  • Well I didn’t steal from them?
  • Well I didn’t curse at them?

That is a low standard of love. We are to love by the standard of Jesus! As I have loved you, so you must love one another, Jesus said.
We need to love with the high standard of Jesus!
You are capable of love… so Y U NO love?
Y U NO Forgive?
jesus loves meme
Is forgiveness an important part of the Christian experience? Where would we be without God’s forgiveness? But are we just to receive forgiveness… or are we to extend forgiveness to others?
Colossians 3:13 (NIV2011) Bear with each other and forgive one another if any of you has a grievance against someone. Forgive as the Lord forgave you.
Forgive as the Lord forgave you!

  • Does the Lord forgive you freely? YES! Forgive like that!
  • Does the Lord forgive you immediately? YES! Forgive like that!
  • Does the Lord keep reminding you of the wrongs after you are forgiven? NO! Forgive like that!

A person who won’t forgive is an ugly sight.
Unforgiveness is one of the few things that can cut you off from God’s forgivenss.
Matthew 6:14 (NIV2011) For if you forgive other people when they sin against you, your heavenly Father will also forgive you.
Matthew 6:15 (NIV2011) But if you do not forgive others their sins, your Father will not forgive your sins.
Y U NO Forgive?
Forgiveness is beautiful! One of the best ways to represent our God to this world is through forgiveness.
You are capable of forgiveness… so Y U NO forgive?
Y U NO Pray?
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Jesus went into the Temple with a whip and started throwing tables over.
It must have been a shocking scene. Why did Jesus do this? Do you know why?
Matthew 21:13 (NIV2011) “‘My house will be called a house of prayer,’ but you are making it ‘a den of robbers.’
The house was meant to be a house of prayer, but the temple workers were turning it into something else.
Do we really think that Jesus wouldn’t flip over tables in most of our churches? This is supposed to be a house of prayer, but we may be turning it into something else.
Philippians 4:6 (NIV2011) Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
In what situations should we pray? IN EVERY SITUATION…

  • Pray for your enemies.
  • Pray about illness.
  • Pray about your future.
  • Pray about personal problems.
  • Pray about world problems.

Y U NO Pray?
The number one request we have from our many missionaries is not more money… They ask for MORE PRAYER!
There are mountains that need to be moved… But Jesus told you that if you will speak to the mountain it will be moved! (Matthew 17:20)
Our world, our country, our city is trouble… But God told us that if we will humble ourselves and pray that He will hear from heaven and heal the land! (2 Chronicles 7:14)
We are supposed to have a relationship with God… Yet we don’t talk to him on a daily basis!?
Prayer is something we are capable of… so Y U NO pray?
Y U NO willing?
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Don’t you know that God wants to do more in our lives? He wants to… but we aren’t willing.
Matthew 23:37 (NIV2011) “Jerusalem, Jerusalem, you who kill the prophets and stone those sent to you, how often I have longed to gather your children together, as a hen gathers her chicks under her wings, and you were not willing.
How often God has longed to protect us, provide for us, defend us, guide us, comfort us, feed us, clothe us, bless us, embrace us… AND YOU WERE NOT WILLING?
Your favorite Bible stories contain figures who were willing to let God use them.
God wants you to be a central figure in His story right now. He wants you to be the David in this story.
He wants you to be the Peter or John in this story. He wants you to be the Elijah and the Samuel. Y U NO WILLING?
Y U NO willing?
    We often compartmentalize our life. We have areas of our life that we are willing for God to be involved…
   For example, right now you are sitting in a church service, our online viewers you are watching or listening to a sermon right now.
   In this moment you have carved out some time to Give to God and are somewhat willing for Him to Guide you right now in this moment.
    But do you have that same willingness when we dismiss and you go out to your car and drive home. Will this same willingness be present when you are at work or school tomorrow?
Does your willingness depend on your surrounding? Is your willingness compartmentalized?
You are capable of more willingness… So Y U NO willing?
I hope you are willing to come and surrender every area of your life to Him.
The subject of Y U NO is pretty endless. There are so many things we ought to be doing for the Lord…

I have one final point to share with you today.

   In 9th grade I started a new school. It was awkward. Everyone seemed to know everyone else… I knew no one, and believe or not kids… I didn’t quite fit in.
   I remember going to my 1st period class… It was terrible. I was ready to tell my parents that this was not going to work… but then I met this guy in my 2nd period class. His name is Brad.
I sat next to Brad and was totally put at ease by his spot on impressions of Beavis and Butthead.
I immediately called Brad a friend.
Brad’s funeral was last Monday. All week I have been thinking about Brad. All week I have been asking myself…
Why didn’t I tell my friend about Jesus?
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Maybe it is because I met Brad in 9th grade and I I thought I would know Brad for the rest of High School and beyond.
   I thought I had a large window to work my way up to telling Him about my savior… But in the strangeness of highschool life, Brad and I never had another class together. After that first semester our closeness was limited to saying hi to each other as we passed in the hall.
You don’t know what kind of window you have to share Jesus with your friends. I will never have another chance to share Jesus with Brad.
Maybe it is because in 9th grade, although I had faith in Jesus and a relationship with Him, I hadn’t yet decided to surrender every area of my life to Jesus. I completely compartmentalized my life… I was a Christian at Church and at home under the eyes of my parents… but at school I would do whatever it took to fit in.
Looking back… what a terrible choice. Was I really a friend to Brad if I didn’t share Jesus with him…?
I am capable of sharing Jesus… Why don’t I?
You are capable of sharing Jesus… Why don’t you?
I don’t bring this story of my friend to make you feel guilty over the past. Truth is that we have to let the past go so that we can change the present. We can’t change the past, but we can change the present.
We need to be urgent with this. You never know if you will have future opportunities with someone… so make sure you make the most of your present opportunity.
Stop compartmentalizing your life. Bring Jesus into every part of your life. ‘
If you aren’t sharing Jesus with those around you, chances are that you are not fully surrendering your life to Jesus.
jesus loves meme
You are capable, so why don’t you?